Alexis Pacheco

BS in Criminal Justice - Juvenile Justice

Alexis Pacheco started a project called “Operation Christmas Wish” in her senior year of high school, and still runs it to this day.  The organization collects and donates toys to children in family shelters. Alexis says that every year she posts flyers and ads around her city and on social media to collect as many donations as possible.  

In her freshman year of in-person college she received a community service grant, and decided to use it to continue the project she started in high school. Now that she is doing school online, she decided to make this operation an annual event.


Alexis shares: “I have always known that I wanted to help people, and once it was time for my senior project, I figured that this would be the best time to start helping others. These families can be in these shelters for a number of different reasons, and it is not the kids’ fault they are in a bad predicament, and they deserve to still have a great Christmas.”

Alexis plans to become a family law attorney to help children who are in tough situations. She also hopes to continue Operation Christmas Wish for as long as possible. 

Since 2020, Alexis has collected and donated approximately 2,000-2,500 toys.

January 2023