Reading - level 3

Week 4 - Term 4

The Healers’ Apprentice


The Healers’ Apprentice Comprehension Questions

1. What is the difference between Mara and Bran’s backgrounds?


2. Describe Bran’s attitude.


3. How do you think Mara is feeling at the bottom on page 43 and why?


4. On page 44 why did Mara’s confidence grow?


5. What encouraged Mara to return home even though she was exhausted?


6. What made Mara want to help Bran?


7. Why did Lonan decide to accept Mara?



The Healers’ Apprentice Vocabulary Work

Match the word from the text to its meaning.

The Healers’ Apprentice Vocabulary Work

Use the following words in a sentence to show you understand the meaning.





The Healers’ Apprentice: True or False statements

If you think the statement is true, tick the box beside it, if you think it false, put a cross beside it.

The Healers’ Apprentice Word Cloze

Fill in the blanks using the words below.

This story is set during a time long ago where young children are trying to become healer apprentices. The healers set the children on a quest where they are each given a ________ of something they must go out and find in the wilderness. Mara is often teased by a boy named Bran (who comes from a ______________ of healers). The day came and the pair set out. Mara is off to a positive start when she ___________a wild boar, luckily she is not hurt. Eventually she finds the rowan tree she is ____________. She gathers what she needs and musters up the strength to return home, by picturing Bran’s ___________ face!

On the way home Mara hears a strange noise. It turns out to be Bran and an __________has attacked him. Bran seeks Mara’s help, but she is __________, as she doesn’t think he would help her. Mara then realises that if she does not help then she is no better than Bran. The pair make way for home, the sun sets and they know they have failed the challenge. However, Lonan decides that healing must be Mara’s true _________ and he accepts her as an


The Healers’ Apprentice Storyboard

Summarise the main events of the story into 6 key points. Draw a picture and write a brief description underneath.