JS Reading - Red Group

Word Endings

Read the words and sort them out by the ending sounds. You may need to draw up this table on a piece of paper, then write each word in the column it belongs to.


Read a poem a couple of times with your child (the second time ask them to listen carefully for any words that rhyme).

Ask them if they heard the words that rhyme? Do they sound the same? What was different about the words (see if they can identify that the first sounds change but the last sound stays the same)

Can you think of any other words that rhyme with ________?

Which Word?

Read out the sentences from the boxes below and help your student to decide which word needs to go into the blank space. Read out the two options with the sentence to help your child hear the difference. Talk about what the different endings are on the words.

Two Letters One Sound

Write the correct blends to complete the word. If you want to get creative, you can write the initial blend eg ( th) for each picture in shaving foam or playdough

Book - Who Will Win the Race

Log in to Sunshine Online: Learning Space 1, Level 3

Go to the story, ‘Who Will Win the Race?’. Look at the cover of the book. Who do we think will win the race and why?

Read the story ‘Who Will Win the Race?’ two times.

If you are unsure of a word, remember to sound out the first letter and then look at the picture to help figure out what the word could be.

If words are short, we can try to “robot the word”, such as c-a-t, cat. Or d-o-g, dog.

Retell what happened in the story. Who won the race at the end? Can you recall what happened first, what happened next, and what was the last thing to happen?

Complete the worksheet below.

Complete the quiz on Sunshine Online.

Then complete the worksheet below. Draw a picture of all the animals from the story that can run fast in the fast column and draw all the slow animals in the slow column.


On a piece of paper, can we make words that rhyme with ‘cat’, by writing b, m, p, s in place of the c?

E.g cat, bat, mat, pat, sat

Can you think of any other words we can write that rhyme with cat?

Book - Mr Mustard’s Mailbox

Log in to Sunshine Online, Learning Space 2, Level 6

Read the story ‘Mr Mustard’s Mailbox.

Complete the quiz on Sunshine Online.

Can you find the ‘sh’ blend from the book?

Write it down and say it three times.

Can you come up with other words that have the ‘sh’ like she, shine…

Complete the worksheet below.

Book - Getting Ready for the Visitors

Listen to the book - Getting ready for the visitors

Listen to the book a couple of times to help you answer the questions:

  • Who were the visitors?

  • What were 3 things that Mahi helped with?

  • Why do you think they might be visiting?


  • How can you help your family to keep the house clean? Choose one thing you can do to help and do it now!

  • Play dress up: Dress up as someone and pretend to visit your house. Try and get into character and use a different voice too!

  • Draw a picture of somewhere you would like to visit once it is safe to.

Book - Aunty Maria and the Cat

Log in Sunshine Online, Learning Space 2, L8

Read the story ‘Aunty Maria and the Cat’.

Complete the quiz on Sunshine Online.

Can you draw a picture of the cat?

Write what you like/dislike about the cat.

Can you complete the worksheets below?

Match the Words

Middle Vowel Sound

Book - Camouflage

Log in Sunshine Online, Learning Space 2, L11 Non-fiction

Animals camouflage themselves using the colour and the shape of their bodies.

Read and complete the quiz on Sunshine Online

Complete the worksheet below.

Comprehension questions:

Why do you think it is important for an animal to camouflage themselves?

What do you know about predators?

Do you know any other animals that are good at camouflaging?

Draw your favourite animal in their environment.

Take a picture and email it to your teacher with your name and the name of the book.

Book - I Know That

Log in Sunshine Online, Learning Space 2, L14

Here are some facts about familiar animals that are amazing. You may or may not know them!

Read and answer the quiz on Sunshine online:

After reading the book, share your story with a family member.

Can you find the word (tall) from the book?

Can you find a family word that has the three letter sound (all) e.g t-all, m-all...

Can you complete the worksheet below?

(draw a line and match up with correct word and picture)

Draw a picture of your favourite animal from the book and write down 2-3 facts about it.

Extn: When you are going for a walk take a picture of an animal you find in its environment and write about it. Email it to your teacher with your name and the name of the book.