New School Transport

This section of the school website will provide you with information regarding the new transport arrangements for the new school building in Bellsmyre. Please contact us directly here at the school if you have any further questions.

McColl's have now updated their transport details for the 8040 Dumbarton East-OLSP service. All information is available form the flyer below.


Please see our new travel plan leaflet below with additional information regarding travel to the new school building in Bellsmyre.

OLSP Transport Leaflet.pdf

Please see the information below regarding the new schedule for the school buses as provided by Marbill coaches taking effect from Wednesday 25 October.

Copy of Marbil - pick up points.pdf

Our parent council have negotiated with McColl's Bus Company for a bus service to transport our students from the Dumbarton East area of the town to and from the new school campus. Please see the attached flyer that will also be sent directly to relevant students and their families.

The timetable and map of the route for this particular service can be accessed by clicking on the following link: