Pastoral Care
Aims of the Pastoral Care Department
The Pupil Support team comprises of Pastoral Care, Support for Learning and Pupil and Family Support. Our comprehensive Pupil Support system promotes GIRFEC to ensure that our young people are safe, active, healthy, respected, achieving, responsible, nurtured and included.
The Pupil Support team is located on the 1st floor – Pastoral Care base located next to the lifts while the Support for Learning base and Pupil and Family Support base are across from the library. Mrs Stewart’s office is located on the 2nd floor.
Background Information of Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is the responsibility of all staff within the school to ensure the well-being of each child. In addition, each of our young people will be under the care and guidance of a Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care while attending Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School.
Pastoral Care is essential for all pupils so our young people can receive personal and universal support as required. Pastoral Care provides an essential connection between the young person, parents and carers and other support services and partners. All teachers have a responsibility to ensure the welfare of our pupils while each pupil’s pastoral care teacher has an overview of an individual’s progress, welfare and general well-being.
The pastoral care teacher also works with learners to guide them when making important decisions which will affect their future at key stages of their development and transition.
Principal Teachers of Pastoral Care therefore, have a number of duties that are essential to the well-being of the child such as monitoring attendance, curricular progress and attainment, wider achievement, promoting positive behaviour as well as building community and leading each group of pupils as assigned within our House System.
Staff Names and Roles
Mr A. Dougan Depute Head in charge of Pupil Support
Principal Teachers of Pupil Support
Mrs K. Anthony (Modern Languages)
Miss K. Boyle (Chemistry)
Mrs A. Christie (Modern Languages)
Mrs G. Galloway (English)
Mrs A. Wales (English)
Mrs L. Dickinson (Acting) (Social Subjects)
Principal Teachers of Pastoral Care help support learners and colleagues in the following ways:
- Promoting the Gospel values and social inclusion.
- Providing universal, personalised and targeted support for pupils.
- Identifying pupils who may be at risk or are underachieving and implementing appropriate support strategies.
- Ensuring carefully managed transitions for pupils from primary to secondary.
- Carrying out Personalisation and Choice interviews for S2 pupils.
- Confirmation of pathways as pupils progress from the Broad General Eduction.
- Reviewing progress of pupils within BGE and Senior Phase.
- Promoting study skills and mentoring young people to develop good learning habits.
- Tracking and monitoring attendance and time-keeping.
- Supporting young people who face specific challenges to their learning and development (social, emotional, physical, health, curricular etc).
- Partnership working with parents and carers for the benefit of our young people (early intervention, making phone calls, preparing reports, meeting with parents/carers etc).
- Partnership working with outside agencies to fully support our young people (Careers Service, work experience, Social Work, School Nurse etc).
GIRFEC & Named Person
Within OLSP each member of the pupil support team takes on the additional responsibility of named person for the student sin their caseload. Please see the file below providing you with additional information as to how this organised across the team.