Caritas Award

What is the Caritas Award?

The Caritas Award is a way for young people to record and share their learning about, and living of, their faith. It asks young people in S6 to take up the invitation of God’s friendship by offering their talents in the service of others.

The award is designed to be inclusive of all young people and is open to students of all faiths, denominations and backgrounds. Students studying at all levels will be able to achieve the requirements for the award.

“Think of all the love that your heart was made to receive, and all the love it’s meant to give. After all, we were made for love.”

Pope Benedict XVI speaking to young people,

Westminster 18th September 2010.

The award asks young people to use their faith learning as a starting point for further faith reflection, leading to actions which show their faith witness. Participants in the Caritas Award are supported in deciding how they can use and develop their gifts in a way that witnesses God’s love in the school and Parish communities.

What’s in it for our students?

Students might consider how participating in the Pope Benedict XVI CARITAS AWARD will help them develop key skills, motivate them to work as part of a team, and improve their C.V. or UCAS/college application They will make new friends, set themselves challenges and improve their confidence. They will also be supported with learning resources and help from their teachers.

However, when they consider the words of the Holy Father, they will realise that there are far greater benefits than these. In sharing ‘Caritas’ (love) with others, they will, “discover the joy of entering into Christ’s being for others,” (Address to Teachers and Religious, Twickenham 17th September 2010).

“There is only one thing which lasts: the love of Jesus Christ personally for each one of you. Search for him, know him and love him, and he will set you free.”

Pope Benedict XVI, Homily at Mass,

Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 16 September 2010.

This year we have thirty S6 students working towards the award. We wish them well as they progress on their Caritas journey.