Code of Conduct

As pupils of Our Lady and St Patrick's High school we will:

  • Take care coming to and going home from school.
  • Treat others and their property with respect at all times.
  • Place all litter in bins.
  • Attend class every day, unless there is a good reason and supported by a letter from a parent or guardian.
  • Obtain official permission in advance, should it be necessary to attend an appointment etc. during school hours.
  • Keep to the left in corridors and stairways to reduce congestion.
  • Arrive at class promptly and remove outer jackets etc.
  • Enter and leave classes in a quiet and orderly manner.
  • Come properly equipped for lessons and take care of school resources.
  • Listen to instructions carefully and refrain from talking when the teacher is speaking to the class.
  • Approach all work conscientiously.
  • Speak to members of staff, visitors etc, and to each other, in a courteous and respectful way.
  • Accept responsibility for personal possessions.
  • Tell a member of staff when there are suspicions that someone may be being bullied.
  • Be aware that at all time, pupils should be good ambassadors for the school.