School Aims and Values

Our Lady & St Patrick’s High is a Catholic School. Our stated aim is that:

“At our school everyone will be helped towards their fullest spiritual, educational, social, vocational and physical development.”

This has clear implications for the expectations and values which we hold and the responsibilities all of us share to achieve this goal.

As a school we are committed to:

• Promoting in our students a strong sense of Catholic values and spiritual awareness.

• Celebrating the Catholic identity of the school through prayer, worship and the practical application of Christian principles.

• Offering the highest quality of learning and teaching in a safe and stimulating environment.

• Providing support mechanisms to enable each student to achieve his/her potential.

• Acknowledging students’ achievements and encouraging self-reliance and self-discipline.

• Nurturing a close working partnership with parents, local parishes and the wider community.

• Fostering a mutual respect of individuals as well as an appreciation of cultural diversity.

• Developing the dispositions and skills which will enable our students to respond to their current responsibilities while preparing them for the challenges of adult life.

• Engaging staff, students and parents in the decision making processes.

• Supporting one another in community.

• The continuing professional development of all members of staff.

• Emphasising that learning is a lifelong process.

Our emblem of interlocking rings signifies the concept of partnership and our joint responsibilities. The school’s motto: “Uniter Deo” which is loosely translated as “One with God”, puts Christ at the centre of our school community.