please see details below from the school and CURRICULAR areas to SUPPORT homelearning opportunities.
Pupils should ensure they access all of their relevant classrooms using the codes below as well as reading the additional support information to make best use of your technology and to gain full benefit from all aspects of your learning. If you experience any difficulties with your Ourcloud access please visit https://sites.google.com/ourcloud.buzz/olsp-highschool/olsp-ourcloud-password-reset?authuser=0
The online resource Campus@WDC with learning opportunities for our young people can be accessed at the link below.
All parents and carers are asked to access the information below to support your child to make the most of the homelearning opportunities available via Google Classrooms set up for our curricular areas.

You can also access Google Classrooms using your games consoles. Please see the video below for how to do this.
Please see the classroom codes below to allow you access to your new yeargroup classrooms. These will be used to post important information specific to your age and stage. Currently, the senior staff and pastoral care team have full access and please keep your notifications for these classes on so as not to miss anything important.
S1: qdrcj4r
S2: mtlg3ks
S3: kiqt4ed
S4: gsqceum
S5: n6rvbif
S6: 5pxsif7
Why not join the school library classroom where you can catch up with our librarian Mrs Enema and post some of your reading and literacy ideas for all pupils.
OLSP School Library S1 and S2 runeoyb
OLSP School Library S3 htet7go
OLSP School Library S4 k6susr7
OLSP School Library S5 krbyoqw
OLSP School Library S6 navgj3d
Scholar have given full access to their materials for pupils to begin their preparations for next session. This is ideal for S3-6 to support learner journey moving forward. These resources are available to all pupils with a particular focus for the senior phase and national examinations. Check it out!
Username: ges3nat5
Password: bird70pear
Health and Wellbeing
Smashed Alcohol Awareness Programme S1-3
This is brought to you by the award-winning Collingwood Learning, who deliver the Smashed Project,
an educational theatre programme that has educated 900,000 young people in the UK and around the
world on the dangers of underage drinking. To find out more watch this short explainer video:
In response to Coronavirus, Smashed Online combines filmed theatre-based episodes from the live
programme with interactive activities for S1-S3 students to complete as a short e-learning course. It is
fully linked to the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study for this age group.
Smashed Online is easy to access via the link below. You can sign up individually and complete
the course at home, downloading a certificate on completion.
The project is GDPR compliant and students only supply a username and password. No contact details including email addresses are required at any stage.
Smashed Online is dedicated to:
· Increasing knowledge and understanding of the effects of underage drinking
· Helping young people understand social influences that may cause underage drinking, particularly
peer pressure
· Promoting healthy lifestyles, healthy relationships, and informed decision making
Smashed Online is free to use thanks to sponsorship from Diageo GB, as part of their global commitment to reduce alcohol related harm in society. We hope Smashed Online provides you with an opportunity to continue your understanding of health and wellbeing while at home.
S1 - tjyn3pl
S2 - bq6yer2
S3 - u3734ko
From Support For Learning:
Why not visit our Student Support Classroom, where we will support you and your families to learn and find balance over this difficult period. You will find hints, tips and links to work-outs, to wellbeing and fun learning resources. See you there!
Code: yo5j3uhyo5j3uh
SCILT (Scotland's National Centre for Languages) have compiled a list of resources to help parents support children's language learning at home. There are materials across all age groups. Please share and bookmark the page - it's being reviewed and updated throughout lockdown. http://ow.ly/h9qM50zsHnr