
Aims of the Science Department

Pupils are fascinated by new discoveries and technologies and become increasingly aware of, and passionate about, the impact of science on their own health and wellbeing, the health of society and of the environment.

Staff Names and Roles


Mr K. Carr (Curriculum Leader)

Miss K. Macfarlane (PT Pupil Support)

Mrs C. Hannaway

Mr J. O'Reilly


Mr G. Corrigan

Mr M. Flynn

Mr M. Gallagher

Mr S. Hutton


Ms N. Devoy (Subject Leader)

Mrs A. Hazell

Mrs K. King

Miss K. McGarvey

Mrs M. Heesom

Science Technicians

Miss E. Boyde

Mrs E. McIlroy

Mrs L. Hodson

Science Course Layout

Pupils participating in the experiences and outcomes in the sciences will:

  • develop a curiosity and understanding of their environment and their place in the living, material and physical world

  • demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of the sciences

  • develop skills for learning, life and work

  • develop skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques

  • develop skills in the accurate use of scientific language, formulae and equations

  • recognise the role of creativity and inventiveness in the development of the sciences

  • apply safety measures and take necessary actions to control risk and hazards

  • recognise the impact the sciences make on their lives, the lives of others, the environment and on society

  • develop an understanding of the Earth’s resources and the need for responsible use of them

  • express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon sound understanding

  • develop as scientifically literate citizens with a lifelong interest in the sciences

  • establish the foundation for more advanced learning and, for some, future careers in the sciences and the technologies.

Through involvement in a wide range of open-ended experiences, challenges and investigations, including those related to the applications of science in areas such as engineering, medicine and forensics, pupils develop skills of critical thinking and appreciate the key role of the scientific process both in generating new knowledge and in applying this to addressing the needs of society.


Investigation Guide for Parents.pdf

As investigations form a large part of the science course, here's a handy guide to help with their layout