STEM West 2021 - Friday, 26th November 2021 - Day 5: NHS
NHS is not only doctors and nurses. Learn about the wide range of NHS STEM careers.
STEM West 2021 - Thursday, 25th November 2021 - Day 4: Banking
Please review the videos below from the RBS Group and JP Morgan.
STEM West 2021 - Wednesday, 24th November 2021 - Day 3: Aggreko
Please review the videos below from engineering firm Aggreko.
STEM West 2021 - Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 - Day 2: Heron Bros
Please review the videos below for information on various career opportunities in the construction industry with Heron Brothers.
STEM West 2021 - Monday, 22nd November 2021 - Day 1: Rolls Royce
Please review the videos below for information on various career opportunities with Rolls Royce.
STEM West 2021 will start on Monday, 22nd November 2021. The school will promote careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Please check this page for regular updates.
Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2021 was held between Monday, 1st March and Friday, 5th March 2021. Senior pupils should look at daily postings in the year group Google Classrooms. Information for parents will be posted here. Pupils can also contact the school careers advisor. #ScotAppWeek21
Wednesday, 3rd March 2021 - Graduate Apprenticeships Roles
If you are considering studying at university, please look into following the Graduate Apprenticeship route. This will give you the benefits of a university qualification as well as job based training.
Please see the Engineering & Business Management options on the You Tube videos below
Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 - Modern Apprenticeships Roles
Please see the You Tube videos on - Engineering (Babcock), Automotive and Childcare roles.
Look out for the Lunchtime Live Google Meet later this week.
Monday, 1st March 2021 - Foundation Apprenticeships
Our local careers fair - WD INSPIRE - was held between Monday, 25th January to Friday, 5th February historical posts are below.
Open to all pupils. Google Meet sessions last 30 minutes plus Q&A. Log on straight after period 4.
Friday, 29th JAN: Routes & Pathways into Employment
(Meet link:
Monday 1st, FEB: Routes & Pathways into Employment
(Meet link )
Tuesday, 2nd FEB: Employability Skills
(Meet link: )
Wednesday, 3rd FEB: Making your application stand out - Writing a Personal Statement
(Meet link: )
Thursday, 4th FEB: Social Media - Presenting yourself the right way
(Meet link: )
Friday, 5th FEB: Interview Skills
(Meet Link: )
DAILY FOCUS: Friday, 29th January 2021 - Various Industries
Please see the videos below a wide range of Loch Lomond National Park, Lantra and Thermal Fisher Scientific.
DAILY FOCUS: Thursday, 28th January 2021 - College and University
Are you thinking about going to College or University? Do you know what course you might be interested in? Depending on what course you would like to study, this could influence what subjects you choose. Get ahead of the game and research your area of interest :)
Please see the My World of Work website linked below which includes every University & College in Scotland with information on virtual open days.
Open to all pupils who are keen to find out more information. Session last's 30 minutes plus Q&A. Log on straight after your period 4 lesson.
DAILY FOCUS: Wednesday, 27th January 2021 - Apprenticeships
An apprenticeship is when someone works towards a qualification on the job. They work with experienced colleagues on real projects while putting what they learn at a college or university straight into practice.
Three types of apprenticeships:
- Foundation Apprenticeships – For pupils in S5 and S6. They choose this qualification as part of their subject choices and get the chance to work with employers.
- Modern Apprenticeships - For anyone who is 16 or above. A modern apprentice is employed and works towards a qualification with a college or learning provider.
- Graduate Apprenticeships – For anyone who is 16 or above. A graduate apprentice is employed and works full time while gaining an Honours or Masters degree.
We work closely with Scotland’s industries to make sure apprenticeships meet their needs. We also administer the funding for apprenticeships training, on behalf of the Scottish Government.
Find out more below:
Open to all pupils who are keen to find out more information.
DAILY FOCUS: Tuesday, 26th January 2021 - Construction Careers
Keir Group
Institution of Civil Engineers
LUNCHTIME LIVE: Interview Skills Workshop
Interview Skills Workshop #WDInspire2021 @ 12.30pm
Anyone who says they don't get nervous before an interview is telling a fib!!
This workshop will provide you with the hints, tips and techniques to gain the confidence you need for interviews.
Delivered by Erin Bartley and Helen Jackson from Skills Development Scotland.
Duration 30 minutes plus Q&A. All welcome to join in via Google Meet:
DAILY FOCUS: Monday, 25th January 2021 - STEM Careers
Advanced Forming Research Centre
Doosan Babcock
LUNCHTIME EVENT: Everyday Leadership