Welcome to Our Lady and
St. Patrick's High School
Welcome from Our Head Teacher
As your Head Teacher I am delighted to welcome you to the Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School website.
As you can see from the menus to the left our website offers you a wide range of information about life here in the school. We do our very best to ensure that the material on the site is always current and we are continuing to develop the range of information provided.
Practical advice like important dates in the school calendar and details of our school uniform is always available for quick reference. We will continue to populate the site with important information that we continue to send home to parents/carers.
Information is provided on curricular areas and the programmes of study they offer as well as providing links to homework materials that can be accessed online rather than depending on paper copies.
Information on extra-curricular activities and on the important work done by our Parent Council is available. You can also access useful links to other educational websites.
We regard our website as a key aspect of our partnership with pupils, parents/carers and the local community and we are determined that it will make an important contribution to the high quality educational experience we offer at Our Lady and St Patrick’s.
Please enjoy the site and we would welcome any comments or suggestions as to how we can make it even better.
The website is best viewed using the GOOGLE CHROME web browser.
Christopher Smith
Head Teacher
Mr Christopher Smith, Head Teacher
Miss Clare McKernan, Depute Head Teacher
Mr Andrew Dougan, Depute Head Teacher/Act Head Teacher
Mrs Marie-Clare Doherty, Depute Head Teacher
Mr Paul Darroch, Depute Head Teacher
Mrs Donna Stewart, Acting Depute Head Teacher
Miss Julie McTaggart, Act Depute Head Teacher
Mrs Irene Gardiner, Business Manager
Useful Contacts
School Address
Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School
Howatshaws Rd
G82 3DR
Telephone: 01389773920
School Opening Times
Monday & Tuesday: 8.50am – 3.50pm
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8.50am – 3.00pm
Associate Primary Schools
St. Ronan's, Bonhill
St. Michael’s, Dumbarton
St Patrick’s, Dumbarton
St Peter’s, Dumbarton
St Martin’s, Renton
Community of Faith (Parish websites)
Scottish Catholic Education Service
St. Michael's Parish, Dumbarton
St. Patrick's Parish, Dumbarton
St. Peter’s Parish, Dumbarton
Our Lady and St. Mark’s Parish, Alexandria
St. Joseph's Parish, Helensburgh
St. Martin’s Parish, Renton
Useful Links