Support for Learning

Aims of the Support for Learning Department

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 places duties on local authorities, and other agencies, to provide additional support where needed to enable any child or young person to benefit from education.  The Support for Learning Department at Our Lady and St Patrick’s provides targeted support for those with individual needs ranging from specific to non-specific learning needs, social and emotional needs, physical needs and pupils for whom English is a second language (EAL/ESOL).

Support is provided to the pupils, their parents and carers as well as support for teachers and other staff, to enable the learning needs of pupils with additional support needs to be met. 

The class teacher is responsible for the provision of learning for pupils, specifically the management of appropriate learning resources, assessment, feedback and recording of progress. Classes can consist of a variety of learning needs.


The Support for Learning department carry out a number of duties including:


Staff Names and Roles

Mrs. Judith Cochrane (PT Support for Learning)

Mr A. McKendrick 

Mrs C. Christie

Pupil and Family Support

Mrs C. McMenemy 

Miss C. Connor 

Mr C. Sutherland

Miss R. Blair

Our young people also receive in-class support from a team of highly trained Learning Assistants. 

Learning Assistants

Miss A. Black

Miss E. Cochrane

Mrs S. Duffy

Mr A. Hodgson

Miss B. Kane

Mrs A.M.  McCaffary

Mrs  E. McLaughlin

Mrs L. Torrie