Careers Advisor
Careers Advisor Key Information
Our Careers Advisers are Jackie Stirling and David Hyndman from Skills Development Scotland
They have an office situated in the school library and are on hand throughout the week to support students and their families with regards any careers and/or employability advice.
Opportunities are also posted on the year group classroom pages.
Should you wish to contact any of the team, and have been unable to see them in school please use the following contact details:
Jackie Stirling: - 01387501172
David Hyndman: - 01389501179
You might meet your careers adviser with your class at a group activity, at a careers event, or at a one-to-one appointment.
Your careers adviser can speak to you about:
· understanding and developing yourself, your strengths, and skills
· making your option choices
· career choices
· courses, training, and volunteering
· CVs, applications, and interviews
· apprenticeships
· local and national job opportunities.
Here are some useful links.