Careers Advisor

Careers Advisor Key Information

Our Careers Advisors are Helen Jackson and Sarah McCaw from Skills Development Scotland

They have an office situated in the school library and are on hand throughout the week to support students and their families with regards any careers and/or employability advice.

Opportunities are also posted on the year group classroom pages and school twitter page @OLSPHigh.

Should you wish to contact any of the team, and have been unable to see them in school please use the following contact details:

Helen Jackson : - 01389501178

Sarah McCaw : - 01389501181

Here are some useful links.

My World of Work

Modern Apprenticeships

Digital World

Information for S4

Due to coronavirus and the challenges around being able to deliver your S4 career talks this year Skills Development have developed a webinar talking about Career Management Skills and things to consider with regards to routes and pathways as you plan your next steps from S4.