Advanced Higher

Advanced Higher Physics

Advanced Higher Physics is studied in S6. The course is designed for pupils wishing to further extend their knowledge and understanding of the dynamic arena of Physics. Advanced Higher Physics is highly regarded for entry into further education courses in Engineering, Aeronautics and Physics.

The content of the Advanced Higher course covers a proportion of the 1st year University physics content resulting in a smoother transition from school to University.

The aims of the course are to enable learners to:

  • extend and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of physics

  • develop and apply the skills to carry out complex practical scientific activities, including the use of risk assessments, technology, equipment and materials

  • develop and apply scientific inquiry and investigative skills, including planning and experimental design

  • extend and apply problem solving skills in a physics context

Entry Level

N6 Award A to C pass in Physics

N6 Award A to C pass in Maths

Course Content

Rotational Motion and Astrophysics

This Unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to rotational motion and astrophysics. It provides opportunities to develop and apply concepts and principles in a wide variety of situations involving angular motion. An astronomical perspective is developed through a study of gravitation, leading to work on general relativity and stellar physics.

Quanta and Waves

This Unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to quanta and waves. It provides opportunities to develop and apply concepts and principles in a wide variety of situations involving quantum theory and waves. The Unit introduces non-classical physics and considers the origin and composition of cosmic radiation. Simple harmonic motion is introduced and work on wave theory is developed.


This Unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to electromagnetism. It provides opportunities to develop and apply concepts and principles in a wide variety of situations involving electromagnetism. The Unit develops knowledge and understanding of electric and magnetic fields and capacitors and inductors used in d.c. and a.c. circuits.

Investigating Physics

In this Unit, learners will develop key investigative skills. The Unit offers opportunities for independent learning set within the context of experimental physics. Learners will identify, research, plan and carry out a physics investigation of their choice.

Course Assessment

The course assessment will consist of two Components:

Component 1 — External Exam

The purpose of this question paper is to assess breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding from across the Units. The question paper will assess scientific inquiry skills and analytical thinking skills.

The question paper will have 100 marks.

The question paper will have two Sections.

Section 1 will contain objective questions and will have 30 marks.

Section 2 will contain restricted and extended response questions and will have 70 marks.

Component 2 — Project

The purpose of the project is to allow the learner to carry out an in-depth investigation of a chemistry topic and produce a project–report.

The project will have 30 marks. The majority of the marks will be awarded for applying scientific inquiry skills. The other marks will be awarded for applying related knowledge and understanding. The project will be externally assessed.