National 5
National 5 Physics
The aims of this course are for learners to:
develop and apply knowledge and understanding of physics
develop an understanding of the role of physics in scientific issues and relevant applications of physics, including the impact these could make on society and the environment
develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills
develop scientific analytical thinking skills in a physics context
develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities
develop planning skills
develop problem solving skills in a physics context
use and understand scientific literacy, in everyday contexts, to communicate ideas and issues and to make scientifically informed choices
develop the knowledge and skills for more advanced learning in physics
develop skills of independent working
In addition to scientific skills, learners will continue to develop and acquire the capabilities of the four capacities as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. They will continue to develop their skills in literacy, numeracy and communication.
To achieve a National 5 award in Physics pupils must pass all of the required units as well as the course assessment. The added value unit will focus on breadth, challenge and application. The added value unit and the exam will be externally assessed.
Mandatory Units:
Electricity and Energy
The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills of scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking, along with knowledge and understanding of electricity and energy. The Unit covers the key areas of energy transfer, heat and the gas laws. Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.
Waves and Radiation
The Unit covers the key areas of waves and nuclear radiation.
Dynamics and Space
The Unit covers the key areas of kinematics, forces and space.
Course Assessment:
Component 1 - External Exam
The question paper will have two Sections and will take place over 2 hours as the External Exam.
Section 1 Multiple Choice worth 20 marks.
Section 2 will contain restricted and extended response questions and will have 60 marks.
Component 2 - Assignment
The assignment will have 20 marks out of a total of 100 marks. This is 20% of the overall marks for the Course assessment.
The assignment will give candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding by:
applying knowledge of physics to new situations and interpreting information
selecting information and presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms
processing the information (using calculations and units, where appropriate)
drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/justification
communicating findings/information