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Aims of the Mathematics Department

The aims of the department reflect those of the wider school in Our Lady and St. Patrick's High School.

We aim to help everyone towards their fullest spiritual, educational, social, vocational and physical development.

We are committed to:

·     Offering the highest quality of learning and teaching in a safe and stimulating environment.

·     Providing support mechanisms to enable each student to achieve his/her potential.

·     We acknowledge students achievements and encourage self-reliance and self-discipline. 

·     Nurturing a close working partnership with parents.

·     Developing the dispositions and skills which will enable our students to respond to their   

      current responsibilities while preparing them for the challenges of adult life.

·     Engaging staff, students and parents in the decision making processes.

·     The continuing professional development of all members of staff in the department.

·     Emphasising that learning is a lifelong process.

Learning in Mathematics will enable young people to:

·    Develop a secure understanding of the concepts, principles and processes of mathematics 

     and apply these in different contexts, including the world of work.

·    Engage with more abstract mathematical concepts and develop important new kinds of 


·    Understand the application of mathematics, its impact on our society past and present, 

     and its potential for the future.

·    Develop essential numeracy skills which will allow them to participate fully in society.

·    Establish firm foundations for further specialist learning.

·    Understand that successful independent living requires financial awareness, effective 

     money management, using schedules and other related skills.

·    Interpret numerical information appropriately and use it to draw conclusions, assess risk, 

     and make reasoned evaluations and informed decisions.

·    Apply skills and understanding creatively and logically to solve problems, within a variety of 


·   Appreciate how the imaginative and effective use of technologies can enhance the 

    development of skills and concepts.

If a pupil is to be successful in Mathematics he/she must have the following attributes:

·    The ability to work hard in class and at home.

·    Tidiness of presentation and layout of work.

·    Good concentration.

·    The ability to respond to challenges presented by problems in Mathematics.

·     Foresight to see the relevance of Mathematics- Skills developed in Mathematics will help 

      pupils deal with many difficult and diverse problems in other subjects and in later life.

Staff Names and Roles

Miss J. McTaggart (Curriculum Leader)

Mrs M. Doherty (DHT)

Mrs E. Graham

Mr A. Imponenti

Mrs J. McGinley 

Mr F. McGuinness

Mr K. Smith

Ms C Connell

Ms K Yuill 

What Careers Will I Require Mathematics For?

It is very difficult to think of an employer who does not enquire about a potential employee’s numeracy or ability in Mathematics. Therefore it is important that your child works to their fullest potential in any course of study.

 The fields associated with Mathematics are Science, Banking, Teaching, Engineering, Architecture, Insurance, Accountancy, and Business, to name a few.

Broad General Education Course Layout

The S1-S3 course is built around a number of experiences and outcomes to be covered as part of the Broad General Education. This includes Number, Money, Measure, Shape, Position, Movement, Information Handling and Numeracy.

Having completed the Broad General Education, pupils will continue with their study of Maths in the Senior Phase with the opportunity of certification.

Depending on their progress, pupils can be presented at the following levels: 

National 3 Applications of Mathematics, National 4 Applications of Mathematics, National 4 Mathematics, National 5 Mathematics, Higher Mathematics and Advanced Higher Mathematics. Where demand exists the school will offer more advanced study as pupils move through the senior phase.

The essential aims of the course are:

To contribute to pupils’ personal development and overall education.

To enable pupils to develop to the limit of their capability the mathematical skills and understanding required for their needs both now and in adult life.

To develop an appreciation of Mathematics and an awareness of its importance in society and in the development of technology.

Qualification Course Layout

S4 Qualifications

The following courses are open to students in third year who will be studying Mathematics in S4.

Each course is divided into units:

The curricular path followed by each student is strictly dependent upon demonstrated ability in the broad general education from S1-S3 under Curriculum for Excellence.


Continuation of each pathway below into S5 and then on to S6 depends upon successful completion of the S4 and S5 courses respectively.

 Important Notes

S5/6 Qualifications

The following courses are open to students who are continuing with Mathematics in S5/6.

Each course is divided into units.

The curricular path followed by each student is strictly dependent upon demonstrated ability in S4.

Continuation of each pathway below into S6 depends upon successful completion of the S5 courses.

It should also be noted that:

Progression Pathways in Maths (S4 Onwards)

Below is a progression pathway from National 3 Applications in S4.

Below is a progression pathway starting in National 4 in S4.

Below is progression pathway starting at National 5 in S4.