Business Education and Computing Science

Staff Names and Roles

Mrs M. Johnston (0.8 Curricular Leader)

Mrs J Sharkey (Teacher of Business Education/0.2 Curricular Leader/0.4 PT Development)

Mrs K. Pearce (Teacher of Business Education)

Mr A. Robertson (Teacher of Computing Science)

Course Layout

Broad General Education ICT

 Scotland has a strong tradition of excellence and innovation in technological research. Scotland’s people, therefore, need to be skilled in technologies and to be aware of the impact of technologies on society and the environment, now and in the future. 

When learners undertake the ICT course in S1 and S2, they will develop technological skills, knowledge, understanding and attributes within the Computing Science, Business and ICT to enhance learning experiences and outcomes. These experiences and outcomes offer a rich context for the development of all of the four capacities become skills for learning, life and work. They also offer an excellent platform for a range of technology-related careers and ensure the digital literacy of our learners in order to succeed in the modern world.

 Topics covered in BGE ICT are:

Administration and IT (National 3 – Higher)

Why Study Administration and IT?

Studying Administration and IT will enhance a young person’s employability in growing sectors such as Events Management, Human Resource Management, Health Service and Banking by teaching them how to use IT software to an industry standard while contributing positively to the workplace systems that ensures an organisation functions effectively. Not only does the course train learners for the world of work, Administration and IT can also enhance skills that prepare learners for further education e.g. College or University. The course also makes an important contribution to supporting the wider curriculum and a learner’s general education through developing a range of essential organisational and IT skills which will stand them in good stead regardless of the career path they ultimately choose.

 Topics covered in Administration and IT:

Business Management (National 3 – Higher)

Why study Business Management?

Business and enterprise are at the heart of national growth and development. This is reflected in the importance of business education in schools today. Studying Business will enhance the employability of any learner by teaching them how to actively contribute to the success of businesses as employees, managers or self-employed individuals. The need for people with management skills and business qualifications is growing rapidly. This course will provide students with good employment opportunities in such areas as Banking, Advertising, Manufacturing, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Sales and Retail as well as self-employment. Business Management is also very often included in many college and university courses and so studying this course will prepare our young people with skills and knowledge to take the subject to the next level in Further/Higher Education.

Topics covered in Business Management:

Computing Science (National 3 – Higher)

Why study Computing Science?

Our society needs more Computer Scientists and for all young people to have an informed view of the IT industry and its contribution to the economy whether that be through networking, hardware & software engineering, web design or games development. Computing Science is vital for everyday life; it shapes the world in which we live and its future. Computer scientists play key roles in meeting the needs of society today and for the future, in fields that include Science, Communications, Entertainment, Education, Business and Industry.

Studying Computing and Information Science will enable you to understand computing devices and apply, change and develop information systems of your own. You will also have the chance to research and discuss the major effects that digital technology is having on all of our lives. Furthermore, pupils will be able to develop a range of transferable skills such as problem solving, analysis and evaluation skills.

Topics covered in Computing Science:

Games Design

Why study Games Design?

Scotland is now one of the global leaders in an ever growing Computer gaming industry. These businesses are looking for employees with a range of creative skills such as art, design, animation, audio and programming which this course develops. Along with these specific skills, the course enhances skills such as creative thinking and problem solving abilities, communication and team working, which are essential in any modern business environment. 

This course will be delivered at level 4 and 5. The awards provide a foundation in the knowledge and skills of Computer Games Development that will be necessary if you intend pursue a career in Computer Games Development, Digital Media Studies, Computing Science and IT subjects. It is recognised that candidates who demonstrate the basic Core Skills coupled with an understanding of the use of digital technology are more likely to gain employment than those with just IT skills.

Key Dates

Supported Study


Aims of the Business Education and Computing Science Department

Welcome to the Business Education and Computing Science Department. Within the department we deliver a suite of courses which develop our pupils’ subject specific skills as well as developing a range of skills and attributes which prepare young people for life, learning and work.