Curriculum for excellence

What is the Curriculum for Excellence?

There are several definitions of what is meant by a curriculum. CfE proposes it is, “the totality of all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education”. Hirst (1974) suggests it is “… a programme of activities designed so that pupils will attain by learning certain specifiable ends or objectives”.

The main points for schools are that it is something that is planned and that there is some end or goal in mind. In consequence it is important that we develop aims and progress them in a systematic and structured framework.

A Curriculum for Excellence gives guidance as to the purpose of education in terms of the four capacities and the outcomes in a variety of aspects. It also outlines some tenets to guide curriculum construction – the seven principles for curriculum design and the entitlements of young people.

CfE is less directive in terms of the specifics with regard to the structure and delivery of a curriculum that will fulfil all of the guidelines and expectations. This is a strength. It does, however, present both a challenge and an opportunity for schools.

CfE requires that the learning experience for young people is coherent not just within subjects but across the curriculum. In addition, it is the integration of knowledge that gives it power and enables it to be applied.

Staff Names and Roles of Curriculum Development at OLSP

The post of Principal Teacher ( Whole School) and the remit is divided between Mrs Dickinson and Miss McInnes. We have developed, delivered and managed a programme of Interdisciplinary Learning Projects across S1 and S2 and similar is now underway in S5.

We are also responsible for projects to support continual development and a dynamic teaching and learning environment.

A Breakdown of Curriculum for Excellence Aims

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