Physical Education

Aims of the Physical Education Department

· To deliver a broad and exciting curriculum to all pupils from S1 to S6. 

· Promote the importance of adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle now and for the future

· Provide extra curricular opportunities for all types of sports

· Enable pupils to experience the opportunities to work independently and  as part of a team

· Allow pupils to see understanding of how important sport can develop an individual mentally, emotional and socially as well as physically.

Staff Names & Roles

Mrs H. Redford (Curriculum Leader)

Mrs L. Blair

Mr C. Forrester 

Mr F. Stern

Miss. McCarthy

Course Layout



In the BGE, pupils will have the opportunity to experience:


In Certificated courses pupils make their own decisions as to their choices of activities in preparation for their one off assessed performance. 



Key Dates

S3 Elective Exam - TBC

S3 Elective One Off Performance - TBC

National 5 Portfolio Completion - March 2024

National 5 One Off Performance - TBC 

Higher SQA Exam - TBC

Higher One Off Performance - TBC

National 5

The National 5 Physical Education course is divided into two sections:

Section 1 - Factors impacting performance (8 marks)

Section 2 - Investigating, analysing and developing performance (29 marks) 

Section 3 - Monitoring progress and evaluating effectiveness (23 marks)

For the performance component of the course you are assessed in two different activities.

Both of these performances will be assessed on a one-off basis: how you perform on the day determines your mark.

Each performance is scored out of 30 marks.

Each section is marked out of 60 and contributes 50% to your overall award.


The Higher Physical Education course is divided into two sections:

The exam component assesses your knowledge and understanding of the 4 factors impacting performance (FIPS:

The exam is out of 50 marks and will last 2 hours and 30 minutes.

For the performance component of the course you are assessed in two different activities.

Both of these performances will be assessed on a one-off basis: how you perform on the day determines your mark.

Each performance is scored out of 30 marks.