
Higher Physics

A one year Course for students who wish to continue their study of Physics beyond National 5 Physics.

The main aims of this Course are for learners to:

  • develop and apply knowledge and understanding of physics

  • develop an understanding of the role of physics in scientific issues and relevant applications of physics, including the impact these could make in society and the environment

  • develop skills of independent working

Advances in physics mean that our view of what is possible is continually being updated. This Course allows learners to deepen their understanding of the processes behind scientific advances, and thus promotes awareness that physics involves interaction between theory and practice. The Course will therefore enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens who will recognise the impact physics makes on their lives, the environment and society, and be able to appreciate topical scientific debate. Learners will develop skills for learning beyond Higher and for employment.

Entry Level

N5 Award A to C pass in Physics

N5 Award A to C pass in Maths

Course Content

Our Dynamic Universe

The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills of scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking, along with knowledge and understanding of our dynamic universe. Learners will apply these skills when considering the applications of our dynamic universe on our lives, as well as the implications on society/the environment. This can be done by using a variety of approaches, including investigation and problem solving. The Unit covers the key areas of kinematics, dynamics and space-time. Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.

Particles and Waves

The Unit covers the key areas of particles and waves. Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.


The Unit covers the key areas of electricity, and electrical storage and transfer. Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.

Researching Physics

The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills relevant to undertaking research in Physics. Learners will collect and synthesize information from different sources, plan and undertake a practical investigation, analyse results and communicate information They will also consider any applications of the physics involved and implications for society/the environment. The Unit offers opportunities for collaborative and for independent learning. Learners will develop knowledge and skills associated with standard laboratory apparatus and in the recording and processing of results.

Course Assessment

The course assessment will consist of two components: a question paper and an assignment.

Component 1 - External Exam

The purpose of the question paper is to assess breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding from across the Units.

The question paper will have 100 marks (77% of the total mark) and will have two sections.

Section 1 - Multiple Choice will have 20 marks.

Section 2 - 'Paper 2' will contain restricted and extended response questions and will have 80 marks.

Component 2 - Assignment

The assignment will have 30 marks (23% of the total marks)

In preparation for the controlled assessment, the pupil will carry out an investigation stage:

  • select an appropriate chemistry topic within the set guidelines provided by SQA

  • investigate/research the topic, focusing on applications and impact on society

  • process the information collected

In the controlled assessment stage, the pupil will present evidence of:

  • the process they have undertaken

  • applying physics knowledge and understanding related to the topic investigated

  • a balanced evaluation of the impact on society

  • a reasoned conclusion