Add a File from the Computer

When adding portfolio content, you have the ability to upload a file from your computer or external device, as well as your google drive. Users can add multiple files to each file upload area. Each upload area has a storage limit of 500 MB.

Step 1: While viewing the portfolio, click SELECT FILE.

Step 2: The attachment window will appear, click ADD FILE.

Step 3: Locate the File within the file upload window and click Open

Note: The file upload window appearance will differ depending on the type of computer you are using

Step 4: If you wish to add additional files to the upload area, click ADD FILE again and repeat Step 3.

Step 5: When all files display in the list, click INSERT to add the files to the portfolio.

Note: There is no limit on the number of files that can be added to each upload area but the total size of all files cannot exceed 500MB.

Once uploaded, file attachments will display under the Select File button.