House Slogan and Poster Design Competition 2020-21

HKBUAS (PS) House Slogan and Poster Design Competition
社堂口號及海報創作比賽 2020-21

Deadline 截止報名日期: 20/9/2020 5:00 p.m. (

In order to cultivate students' sense of belonging to the school and houses, school is organizing an inter-house slogan and poster design competition for the students. We are now inviting interested students to join the House Slogan Design Competition 2020-21. The details of the election are as follows: 為了營造學生對學校及社堂良好歸屬感,學校即將舉辦社堂口號及海報創作比賽。我們現正邀請有與趣的同學參與本年度的社堂口號及海報創作比賽,請同學留意以下詳情: