Grade 5

Grade 5 New Year's Resolutions & Appreciations

Grade 5.mp4

5A Class Teacher

Hello! I am Mr. Kan Chan. I am the class teacher of 5A . I am the G5 grade head and will teach G3, 5 and 6 Science this year.

Let me share some methods to achieve effective learning in A-school:

1. Put everything you learn into steps.

This will be helpful to organize your work

2. Take note.

Your memory will fade out quickly after the lesson. Taking note can help you to record the main point in the lesson.

3. Practice and practice.

Enough practice can enhance you to catch up as soon as possible.

4. Finish your homework.

Homework always provide you enough practice with different kind of questions. Finish them on time!

5. Accept your mistakes.

It’s common sense you will make mistakes when you learn something new. Record the mistakes you made and do all corrections sincerely will help you to improve a lot in a short time.

6. Ask for help.

Ask your teachers or classmates if you need help. You are not alone!

7. Believe in yourself.

Always believe in yourself, adopt a positive attitude.

Stay tuned, stay healthy!

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Hello, everyone. This is Ms Flora. Nice to meet all of you!! I will be teaching G1, 4, 5 and 8 music this year.

I love music because I can feel joy and find the happiness when playing or listening music and making music with my friends during leisure time! I hope you can also enjoy the moment and share your joy with me as well!

Apart from this, I am also a sports lover! Hiking, skiing and running are my favourite sport. Feel free to share your fun sports experience!

5B Class teacher

Hello parents and students! This is Ms Rachel. I am teaching Visual Arts.

One of my favourite quotes is from Pablo Picasso "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up". I am here to try my best to let my students to explore, experience, understand and learn Visual Arts in their primary school life. And I wish my students can merge visual arts elements into their daily life and eventually enrich their whole-person development.

Hello everyone! This is Mr Hui. Nice to meet you! I will be teaching G1,2,4 and 5 PE this year

I love playing sports especially running and badminton. Trying and exploring new things are the two things that I want to bring to my students. At the same time, I believe that doing exercise can make people feel comfortable and relax. That's why i also want to share the benefit of doing exercise.

Moreover, sports can bring us friendships and team spirit which I really care about the most. I hope that my students can meet more friends and learn about team spirit through sports activities.

Apart from this, I also like listening to music as it makes me feel relax and it's a very good combination with sports. You can try if you are interested on it.

5C Class teacher

Hello everyone. Here is Miss Megan Lai. This year I will be 5C class teacher, which I will meet up many familiar faces from last year's class (4C).

I will teach G.1, 2, 3, 5 Music this year. Let's see could we meet in the music lesson. :)

I love to play and listen to music a lot. Music can help to express ourselves and to the others. Sometimes, it helps to connect with our deeper self. I wish to share more various types of music to you all in the lesson. And wish to see you all without masks soon.

Hello everyone. I am Mr. Cheung. I am glad to see some familiar faces in 5C classes who I taught before.

I will teach G.1, G.2, G.4 and G.5 Steam lessons this year.

In my spare time, I will explore some funny games or useful apps. Also, I like to disassemble different kind of things in order to know how they work. Sometimes, I will even look for useful information online in order to fix some minor problems of my car. Finally, I am looking forward to see you all face to face in the future !

5D Class teacher

Let’s play another magic below. Take out a pencil and a piece of paper, write down any numbers you want in the first row. For the second row, count and write down how many even numbers, odd numbers and total numbers in the previous row. After repeating the steps several times, we all can get “1, 2, 3” in the last row! How amazing it is! Let’s try once more, I hope you all can enjoy Mathematics! See you in A-School.

Hi parents and students! This is Mr. Gary Ng. Do you like Mathematics? Well, I like problem-solving and doing community and first aid services during my leisure time! I will be teaching G.2 and G.5 Maths as well as G.5 Liberal Arts in the 2020-2021 school year. Are you one of my students?

Mathematics is magic, it gives you surprise! For example, the magic square below gives the same total when you are adding the numbers of the same row, column and diagonal!

First row : 2 , 5 , 8 , 10 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 6 , 7

Second row : 6[even numbers] , 3[odd numbers] , 9[numbers in the first row]

Third row : 1[even number] , 2[odd numbers] , 3[numbers in the second row]

Hello~This is Miss Lai. Nice to meet you grade 5 students. I will be teaching G.3-6 Music this year.

I love Music and enjoy the ensembleship through playing music with friends.

I am also a fan of Harry Potter, Disney and Japanese manga. Feel free to share your hobbies with me~

"When words fail, music speaks"

5E Class teacher

Dear parents and students!

I am Mr. Karsten Berning. I am the class teacher of 5E . This year I will be teaching G5B and G5E Integrated Science (IS) and G4 to G8 third language (German).

I love science and philosophy.

One of my favourite quotes is from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Wishing is not enough; We must do."

In my spare time i like to play with my son or play games like "League of Legends", "Valorant" and "Das schwarze Auge".


當大家唱起校歌的時候,有沒有想過校歌當中的內容「勤誠在我,求學並肩,創意自然順暢,欣欣向善,奮力圖強,仁愛孝義禮讓,常誌立高學養。純真簡樸,永遠在學,未嘗背道變遷,常懷自信,無懼創新,踏平礙障,堅壁百仞,勇毅直前,誠志熾熱向上,明德知規,信愛望道,恪依目標邁向」正是人文素質科的大部分目標 (Objectives) ?
