School Events

Opening Ceremony of A-Fitness Challenge Zone

Under the current epidemic situation in Hong Kong, a number of whole school events including the Athletic and Aquatic Meet have been postponed and rescheduled.

In order to promote the importance of doing regular exercises and developing a healthy lifestyle, the A-Fitness Challenge Zone is set up in the Primary Division.

We are honored to have Mr. Wong Kam Po, the former Olympian cyclist and elite athlete in Hong Kong, come to our school and share his valuable experiences with our students representatives and the whole school via Zoom during a simple but meaningful opening ceremony of the A-Fitness Challenge Zone.

STEAM Learning Day

With the theme on Light & Shadow, the fun experience was more than a half-day school event, it was an inter-disciplinary learning that took place two weeks earlier to instruct students subject knowledge in Integrated Science, STEAM, and Visual Arts under the theme.

We are so honoured to have Dr. Clifford Choy, Director of HK Maker Faire, and Dr. Ray Cheung, Curator of Hour of Code Hong Kong to share with us the important role of maker mindset and coding in our daily life.

Up Close & Personal with Professor Lo Yuk Ming

This year, members of Excel 33P took the initiative to invite outliers, their own heroes, to come to our school and share their inspirational stories, one of whom is Professor Lo Yuk Ming. Professor Lo’s achievement in the scientific sector has laid the foundation for developing non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tests for multiple genetic diseases.

This activity is part of a series of Meeting with Outliers Experiences. We aim to broaden our students’ horizons by inviting high achievers from different sectors of society to share with us their philosophies and stories. Through the sharing of Prof. Lo’s academic journey, students will explore his character strengths and growth mindset. Through reflection, students will share with their classmates the inspiration they got from the story. This may inspire them to set their long term goals. We have also incorporated elements of the scientific sector into our I.S. lessons, teaching students what scientist do and how work scientifically.

Up Close & Personal with Mr. Wong Kam Sing

Continuing on Excel 33P’s initiative of inviting outliers to visit our school and to share with us their inspirational stories, they have successfully invited Mr. Wong Kam Sing, GBS, JP and Secretary for the Environment, to have an up close and personal sharing with our students on his youth and the path he took to develop himself into who he is today. Mr. Wong has been promoting the importance of environmental protection and sustainability since the early 1990s.

Through meeting with Mr. Wong, students will understand more about the government’s effort and initiative in protecting our environment. Our school’s Integrated Science and Liberal Art curriculum already have a wide coverage of topics related to environmental protection. This event serves as a great extended learning activity that provides our students with unique learning experiences that are beneficial to their whole person development.

Up Close & Personal with Ms. Lee Lai Shan

One of our Excel33P Members have invited Ms. Lee Lai Shan, a former world champion and Olympic gold medal-winning professional windsurfer from Hong Kong, to share with our students her story on how she successfully overcomes the challenges of winning one of the most recognizable honors of the world.