
(Junior School)

Grade 1

Topic: Under The Big Tree

Students have discussed tree masterpieces by Gustav Klimt, Vincent Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian, and appreciated the works in terms of the lines and shapes used in them. They have identified the basic structures and textures of trees. They have sketched trees in reference pictures collected, also observed real trees in the playground and sketched the with still life drawing skills.

Throughout the process, students have identified and applied the principle of organization - repetition. Also, they have learnt how to use different kinds of lines (straight, broken, curved, zigzag, swirl, horizontal & vertical) and geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, hexagon, trapezium, parallelogram & rhombus) to create patterns on the tree and/or background of artworks.

Grade 1

Topic: Insect World

At the beginning of this module, students first observed, discussed and identified the basic features of different insects via YouTube videos. After that, they sketched insects in reference to pictures collected. Students collected real leaves and brought them into class. They discussed the shape, color and veins of leaves collected. After that, they rubbed the leaf images with pencils, color pencils and/or oil pastels on sketchbook.

Throughout the process, they have identified the principal of organization – balance. They learnt know to create a balanced insect with oil pastels. Look at their “Insect Word” masterpieces!

Grade 2

Topic: Hello Buildings!

Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish architect. His works have a highly individualized, and one-of-a-kind style. Most are located in Barcelona, including his main work, the church of the Sagrada Família. He considered every detail of his creations and integrated into his architecture such crafts as ceramics, stained glass, wrought ironwork forging and carpentry.

Students applies paper-cutting to create pop-up buildings and uses line and shape types to produce drawing.

Grade 2

Topic: Collage Ourselves

Students explore, describe and identify textures with different materials, record as a ‘Material detective’.

We appreciate masterpieces of artist--Giuseppe Arcimboldo, select and look for texture materials for creating ‘Collage Ourselves’. Throughout the learning process, students explore collage techniques, such as layering, embellishing and using assorted materials etc. By collaging different materials and showing different texture, students create a interesting piece of work 'Collage ourselves'.

Grade 3

Topic: Day and Night

Students were able to develop an understanding of the differences between warm/cool/neutral colors through an active discussion of their own feelings towards colors in each of these categories. Further observation and appreciation of famous artists’ pieces allowed the students to realize how these different color tones could be applied in art work to convey and reflect different moods.

Students were then encouraged to combine this knowledge with their creativity to come up with their own unique painting.

Grade 3

Topic: Jungle World

Students worked on another artwork titled “Jungle World”, which aims at teaching the concept of symmetry by providing students with the experience of creating a symmetrical image by folding painting.

Fun and interactive symmetry games were provided for students in class to explore as a lead-in, which helps to build a foundation for their understanding of symmetry.

Grade 4

Topic: The Beautiful Moment

Students were assigned to sketch figures refer to pictures collected. Through exploration, they discussed how to make a sketch showing human-like figures and discovered human proportion. After recognizing the human proportion students started modifying their sketches and created figures in a reasonable proportion using head-length as units.

By thinking and gathering a list of ideas in line with the topic ‘A Beautiful Moment’, students could find a creative conclusion for their unique art piece. Their ideas involved skating, dancing, etc., instead of the common poses usually seen. Through this process, students are able to express and exercise their creativity freely.

Grade 4

Topic: My Greek Trophy

Through watching videos about Ancient Greece and appreciating Greek Art, students found ancient Greek was mysterious and interesting. Especially the history of Greek trophy. In Ancient Greece, some sporting trophies included shields but some winners were given prized olive oil which was naturally held in a vase or cup.

Students were learning to manipulate paper-mache techniques with recycled materials to create the structure of trophy. Next, they designed the images and decorated with the Greek patterns. This trophy will be a gift to parents to express gratitude towards family.