
e-Read Platform



Hyread 提供線上與離線下載閱讀各類圖書和期刊,內容精美、有趣,學生可以根據自己的喜好隨意借閱圖書。Hyread 平台更可以支援用電腦、平板電腦及手機瀏覽,方便學生隨時閱讀圖書。

Tumble Book platform has over 1100 titles. It includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, videos, non-fiction titles, graphic novels, playlists, and books in French and Spanish.

The collections also provide enrichment to students who are reading independently with a variety of high interest material. It also provides support to students who require skill building with a variety of exercises that can be matched with other areas of the curriculum.

Bookflix provides thematically paired fiction and nonfiction titles are designed to bridge learning-to-read and reading-to-learn. Animated classic storybooks introduce early learners to the delights of reading while sparking curiosity, creating a natural springboard into the paired nonfiction text for deeper discovery.

Click here to view Battle Of Books.