Christmas Celebration

All participants will receive a 2021 calendar bookmark!
Can you find all 12 Christmas cards?

Wishing you a happy new year with many blessings!

New Year's Resolution & Appreciation Corner

Christmas is a time to give thanks. The school has created an “Appreciation Corner” page on A-Moment site. It is a convenient platform for parents and students to share their appreciation towards our class teachers. Parents and students are encouraged to visit the following links to contribute your appreciation messages to our dedicated and caring class teachers before Christmas Celebration.








A-Moments 2020

A-Moments 2020 is a collection and reflection of the values and positive education activities that the school has arranged for its A-School family members. By encouraging our parents and students to reflect on personal growth and inner strengths.

Seeing with Our Hearts --

Cherish A Moment 2020

Seeing with Our Hearts

To review our 2020, A-school has produced our first micro-film, “Seeing with our hearts: Cherish A-moment 2020”, to share positive values with parents and students. We believed the life scenes of the three families resonate with our own life experiences and memories during the global pandemic. Let us reflect on the difficult year and our life journey together with thankfulness. All students and parents are cordially invited to participate in this grateful and remarkable “Live Premiere ( full version )” on 18-12-2020 (Friday) at 8:30 PM.

Christmas Celebration 2020.pdf

Christmas Blessing Hunt

You may now have a trial round of the Christmas Blessing Hunt activity:


Instructions 指示:

a) Enter the hunt through this link or by scanning the QR code 輸入以下網址或掃瞄二維碼:

Website 網址:

b) A Christmas Blessing has been hidden in the classroom. Navigate around to search for

the Christmas Blessing.


c) Once the Christmas Blessing is found, take a screenshot and upload it onto a

designated place (to be provided on 18 December) using your school elearn account.

Let's come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

讓我們 一同慶祝耶穌基督的降生。