Application for House Captains and Committee 2020-21

HKBUAS (PS) Application for House Captains and Committee 2020-21 社長及社幹事申請

*For G.4-6 Students Only 只供四至六年級 *

Deadline 截止報名日期: 20/9/2020 5:00 p.m. (

In order to enhance students’ leadership skills and sense of responsibility, and to encourage students to participate in school, A-School has set up a number of leadership teams in different aspects to develop students’ different potentials. We are now inviting interested students to join the House Captains and Committee election 2020-21. The details of the election are as follows: 為加強學生的領導才能和責任感,並鼓勵學生積極參與學校及社會服務,本校特舉辦多個學生服務及領袖計劃,讓學生有機會在合適的領域中發揮所長、發展潛能。我們現正邀請有與趣的同學申請成為本年度的社長及社幹事,請同學留意以下申請詳情: