❤️ Gratitude Moment ❤️

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life
is the foundation for all abundance.

Eckhart Tolle

🥰 Your Favourite Teachers' Gratitude Moment 🥰

Ms. Alice Lam 林嘉怡老師

I would like to thank you, Mrs. Pradhan for being such a supportive & caring mentor/team leader/colleague and most important of all, a great friend. No matter if I did something right or wrong, you would always guide me to do better. It’s been a pleasure coming back to A-School working with you and the English team.

I would also like to thank all the teachers in the English Team. Without your guidance and support, students would not be enjoying and learning English with so much fun & enthusiasm! Also making such great improvements over time.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all of my wonderful students in G3 Lavender group, which comes from 3A to 3E, as well as 4B and 6C. I’m always grateful for my awesome helpers - whenever I ask, there are always so many hands up, waiting to help me with a happy smile. Likewise, I hope that you appreciate the support & help that I am ALWAYSSS happy to give in return to keep helping you improve in English and striving to become an A+ A-School student!

Ms. Debbi Wu 胡翠瑜老師

Hello A-school! I’m Miss Wu. Happy Friday everyone! I’m so happy to share with you all my gratitude moments. It’s been 10 years since I first worked at A-School. I would like to take this chance to thank and show my gratitude for all the wonderful people at A-School. You have raised me up and guided me through the ups and downs. First I would like to thank all the amazing Math teachers, because they have always demonstrated diligence, responsibility, and team spirit! Thank you for all your great work. Next, I’m very thankful for all the kind and supportive office staff and janitors. They always greet me with big smiles and that really lift up my spirit! Last but not least, I’m super duper thankful for all the wonderful classes and students that I’m teaching this year - my grade 3 Minute group, grade 4 Acceleration group and grade 6 Speed group. Your energy, self-discipline, cheerfulness and sense of humour always surprise me and make my day. Seeing your growth day by day really is the greatest reward. Always try your best and never give up!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. - Psalm 23:6

Ms. Natalie Lam 林洛嫻老師


作為一個新老師,我來A School 不經不覺已經將近有一年的時間了。在課後,同學們都會跟我說再見和謝謝,而你們對老師的感謝不僅僅體現在言語上,更是在你們的行動中體現出來,這是我很感恩的事情。




Ms. Krystle Chan 陳靜怡老師



猜到是甚麼了吧? 對,就是雨傘。





Ms. Cordelia Choi 蔡珏婷老師

This year is my first year of teaching and it is not easy at all! But gratefully I have met a lot of really helpful people who have guided and accompanied me through many big and small challenges.

First of all, I’d like to thank English team for giving me a lot of support and opportunities, as well as advice on how to teach better. Special thanks to the newbies teachers, you guys feel like a bunch of good friends who are extremely generous and caring. Thank you for being there to support one another.

Of course, I’d also like to thank my lovely students from 3D, 5D, and 6A. Your energy is what wakes me up every early morning and adds life to my days. Thanks for being so willing to help out in class, your help and warmth make my life as a new teacher much easier.

At last, I’d like to specially thank Ms. Yiu for being such a great mentor and providing me with a lot of useful advice on dealing with naughty students. And Mr. Wing Ng, my CT partner, who has been extremely understanding and patient with my clumsiness, and who continuously demonstrates how a responsible and hardworking teacher should be like.

Thank you all for being there. Without you I could hardly survive my first year of teaching.

Ms. Cecilia Yiu 姚冠施老師

As I step into my 12th year in A-School, I would like to express my gratitude towards the school for providing me with many opportunities to develop my potential. I am thankful for the students I teach this year for their cooperation they show in class and the laughter they bring me during English lessons. Besides the students, much appreciation goes to the colleagues whom I work with every day. Finally, I am thankful for the travel bubble, which allows me to visit my family amid these difficult COVID times.

Ms. Peggy Guo 郭雅莹老師

各位老師、同學,早上好!我是郭老師。今天早上回來學校的路上,我抬起頭,突然看到校門的鳳凰樹已經開出了火紅的花朵。原來,夏天已悄悄地到來。我的心裏不禁地想:是四季的交替,讓我們看到美麗的風景啊!是的,我感恩夏天的到來,給我們帶來陽光明媚,給我們帶來鳳凰花開。我也感恩能有老師這份工作,讓我遇到可愛的學生和友善的同事。謝謝我的2E班,當我每天步入教室時,都送我可愛的微笑和熱情的早安。謝謝我四年級的茄子組,每天都能認真上課,做功課時寫字也非常工整,讓我看得賞心悅目。當然,還有之前我教過的學生,感謝你記得我,看見我時總會跟我打招呼。我也要謝謝我身邊的同事,不管是在這裡教書已經很多年的,還是剛剛來我們學校工作的。好像我身邊的藍老師,雖然她第一年來到我們學校,但她在開會、備課時也透過自己的投入,給我帶來了很多新的想法;又例如在中文組很多經驗豐富的老師,他們都為我的教學和工作帶來很多建議,也常常陪我吃飯、聊天。對了,我還要感謝2E另一位班主任mr martin,是他和我合作,陪我一起跟我們的2E班長大,分擔各種班級的任務。太多太多了,感恩的話,不只是今天的幾分鐘分享,更重要的是每時每刻都能繼續留意身邊事,積極樂觀地面對每一天,給自己、給身邊的人、給身邊的事說一聲謝謝。

Mr. Marcus Lee 李嘉榮老師

Good morning teachers and students.

I am Mr Marcus Lee

I am so happy to get a chance to share with you all this morning.

There are so many people around me who help me a lot everyday.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to my mum, she prepare dinner for me nearly every day. The food she cooks are very delicious.

I like it very much.

Next I would like to show my gratitude to all students. When I walk around the school during life education lessons, I noticed most of you tried to stay focused during the lesson. Many of you share actively with your classmates and class teachers.

I would like to thank Mr Kan Chan, who always help me for the IS teaching. I think I could not survive without his kindness.

I would show my appreciation to students in 6B in particular. We met the first year, I can see gradual improvement in terms of self-control, you guys tried to be more focused during lessons. I am glad to see you help each other. You always help me when I am in need. Thank you very much.

Lastly, I would like to thank teachers in the guidance team, who always put their 100% effort into preparing the learning materials and doing the recording seriously.

Stay healthy and see everyone of you soon!

Ms. Esther Lai 黎樂堃老師

Hi all, Good morning, this is Miss Esther Lai.

Today, I would like to share a hymn about Thankfulness with you all. I learnt this traditional hymn when I was in secondary school. It became my all time favourite song. The name of the hymn is called “Thank you for giving me the morning”. It has 6 verses, and each phrase begins with the word “Thank you”. Moreover, after each verse, the key of the music will go up one semitone, so, the music changed key five times in total! That makes this hymn very interesting.

Here are the lyrics:

1. Thank you for giving me the morning.

Thank you for ev’ry day that’s new.

Thank you that I can know my worries

Can be cast on you.

2. Thank you for all my friends and brothers.

Thank you for all the men that live.

Thank you for even greatest enemies

I can forgive.

3. Thank you, I have my occupation.

Thank you for ev’ry pleasure small.

Thank you for music, light and gladness.

Thank you for them all.

4. Thank you for many little sorrows.

Thank you for ev’ry kindly word.

Thank you for ev’rywhere your guidance

Reaches ev’ry land.

5. Thank you, I see your Word has meaning.

Thank you, I know your Spirit here.

Thank you because you love all people,

those both far and near.

6. Thank you, O Lord, your love is boundless.

Thank you that I am full of you.

Thank you, you made me feel so glad

and thankful as I do.

Ms. Flora Chu 諸愛芳老師

Good morning, I’m Miss Flora, I’m so excited to show my gratitude here to all of you. I’d like to ask you a question before I start.

How often do you pause to appreciate what you have in life? When I was young, I took everything for granted, even I had lots of good stuff around me, I didn’t really care until I know how to appreciate!

The first thing I took for granted was education. It’s compulsory for all of us to go to school, so I had never thought about how blessed I was to be educated, and now I finally realise that I’m blessed and grateful for being able to keep learning, even during pandemic!

The second thing I took for granted was the ppl around me, for example, parents, siblings,  friends and teachers. I had never thought about how lucky I was to have them. But now I realised that I’m really really blessed to have them who have been showing so much care to my growth, and inspiring me as well as nurturing me wholeheartedly.

The third thing is challenges. You may find me weird when you hear that. Why does Miss Flora say thank you to challenges? For me, even though challenges sometimes makes me down or sad, they actually help me a lot for my growth. Challenges not only shape my personalities, but also help develop my character strengths. And finally become who I am and the one you know today! So I’m grateful for challenges in my life.

Last but not least, thank you for all of you who pay all attention to my sharing! Enjoy your day!

Ms. Megan Lai 黎凱欣老師

Good morning teachers and students,

I am Miss Megan Lai, I would like to show the gratitude to my students and colleagues in this morning.

First of all, I’m grateful to meet all of the students that I taught in these 3 years, I’m happy to learn with all of you, singing in the music lesson, playing different musical games, we shared a lot of joy and fun together. Thankyou my g.1-3 classes, you guys are always so cute and makes me warm.

Also, I would like to thank my class 5C, even they are all in zoom and suspension, but I still want to show my thankful heart to them, even sometimes they are active and energetic, but they are full of passion and love to learn. I am happy to teach you all in the 2nd year.

Besides, I would like to thankyou my team, the Music team. It’s my pleasure and honor to work with you guys in the 3rd year, thanks for giving me a lot of love and caring all time. Thanks for supporting me whenever I need. You guys are so warm.

Last but not least, wish everyone in A-School stay healthy and stay happy, enjoy the learning day.

Thank you!

Ms. Vita Chung 鍾麗娜老師

Good morning A-School, I am Ms Vita Chung. It’s my turn to share my gratitude moment today.

The 1st one I would like to say thank you is my mum, she worked so hard in her life in order to raise me and my sister. She is definitely a very responsible mum and always put me and my sister in her 1st priority. Thank you for keeping us safe and providing what we need in our life.

Time flies, it is going to be the 4th teaching year here in A sch in this September. These years in A sch are truly very fruitful and with countless happy and unforgettable moments.

It’s my honour to work with my PE team teammates. This is one of the best working teams I’ve ever had. We have different characters, different strengths and weaknesses and above all, we help each other to achieve more and we always work in laughter.

And I would like to thank my previous CT partner Ms Krystle chan and current CT partner Mr Marcus Lee, they help me a lot and it’s my pleasure to work with them.

Finally, it’s my class 6B. Thank you for being my students. I really enjoy being your class teacher. You guys are with good hearts, eager to absorb knowledge, willing to be a responsible person with better characters.

I believe people consciously count the blessings in life would be happier and less depressed. Let’s train the ability of us to see the beautiful gratitude moments in our life. Thank you.