

Shoot projectile(s)


  • type (string, default targeted):
    • targeted: monster will shoot at a player when nearby
    • auto: monster will shoot at a specified angle
    • forward: monster will shoot forward (monsters can have a facing based on certain behaviors)
  • range (float, default 8.0): distance from a player at which the behavior will be activated (targeted only)
  • numShots (int, default 1): number of projectiles in each shot
  • cooldown (float, default 1.0): time between shots in seconds
  • cooldownJitter (boolean, default false): whether to vary the cooldown by a random amount (50% to 150% of cooldown)
  • projectileId (int, default 0): <Projectile id="x"> tag to use, describes the projectile properties
  • childId (string, default empty): create monster of this type instead of a projectile
  • angle (float, default 9): degrees between projectiles when numShots > 1
  • predictive (float, default 0.0, between 0.0 and 1.0): the amount to which the monster attempts to predict where the player is going and shoot at its destination
  • defaultAngle:
    • targeted (float, default 0): added to the target angle (30 aims 30 degrees right of the target, -20 aims 20 degrees left of the target)
    • auto (float, default 90): shot angle in degrees (0 or 360 = east, 90 = south, 180 = west, 270 = north)
  • arcDegrees (float, default 0): for monsters with facing, the possible firing arc centered on the facing angle, meaning it will only fire if a player is found within it
    • Note: won't do anything if forward or auto is used for the shoot type
  • blastEffect (boolean, default false): whether to show ConeBlast on shot
  • offset (float, default 0.0): specifying the time after this behavior becomes active for the first time
    • Note: it is recommended that between offsets there are no intervals higher than 0.2 since minimum server intervals could otherwise result in stacked shots
    • Note: values not divisible by 0.2 will also lead to inconsistent intervals between shots as they are only processed every 0.2 seconds
    • Note: currently stuns and the enemy-off-screen bug can cause offsets to be ignored, can be worked around by using individual stages instead


Ent God

<Behavior projectileId="0" numShots="5" range="12" cooldown="1.25" angle="10" predictive="1">Shoot</Behavior> 

Hobbit Mage (first ring)

<Behavior numShots="15" projectileId="0" cooldown="1.2" type="auto" angle="24" defaultAngle="0">Shoot</Behavior> 

Eye of the Dragon (Dragon Head)

<Behavior type="forward" numShots="5" angle="10" projectileId="0" cooldown="0.4" range="0">Shoot</Behavior>

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