

Circle around a given monster type (gives facing)


  • protecteeId (string, default empty): name of monster type to orbit
  • clockwise (boolean, default false): determines direction of orbit
  • acquireRange (float, default 15.0): distance within which a monster will look for a protectee
  • speed (float, default 0.8): speed at which the monster moves
  • radius (float, default 5.0): distance at which the monster orbits
  • speedVariability (float, default 0.2): % variability for speed
  • (for example 0.2 means +/- 20% of speed when Orbit is created)
  • radiusVariability (float, default 0.5): % variability for radius
  • (for example 0.5 means +/- 50% of radius when Orbit is created)
  • radiusWobbleDistance (float, default 0.0): amplitude of sine wave added to radius
  • radiusWobblePeriod (float, default 15.0): period of sine wave added to radius
    • Note: if the monster gets stuck, it will change direction and circle back in the opposite direction (paralyze, wall, other object)


Nut (waiting and first phase)

<Behavior protecteeId="Tomb Boss Anchor" radius="4.8" speed="0.6">Orbit</Behavior>

Nexus Chinese Dragon

<Behavior protecteeId="Nexus Anchor" speedVariability="0.1" speed=".4" radius="9" radiusVariability="0.1" radiusWobbleDistance="1.5" radiusWobblePeriod="10">Orbit</Behavior>

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