

Maintain multiple enemies and die if all "protectors" are dead


  • cooldown (int, default 30): time between respawns (is randomized 50% to 150%)
  • childIds (string, default empty): comma-seperated list of monster types to create
  • childCorpseId (string, default empty): corpse id (protectors turn into when dead)
  • groupId (string, default empty): name of group to create monsters from (overrides childIds)
  • numChildren (int, default 2): amount of protectors (automatically arranged in a surrounding circle)
  • distance (int, default 0): distance of objects (circle radius)



<Behavior childIds="Pentaract Tower" childCorpseId="Pentaract Tower Corpse" cooldown="15" numChildren="5" distance="15">MaintainProtectors</Behavior>

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