

Create monsters


  • cooldown (float, default 30.0|int, default 1): time in seconds between creating new monster and (seperated with "|") amount of monsters to be created per cooldown
  • cooldownJitter (boolean, default false): whether to vary the cooldown by a random amount (50% to 150% of cooldown)
  • childIds (string, default empty): comma-seperated list of monster types to create
  • groupId (string, default empty): name of group to create monsters from (overrides childIds)
  • maxChildren (int, default 0): maximum number of minions to have alive at once
  • minOffset (float, default 0.0): minimum offset in a random direction in tiles
  • maxOffset (float, default 0.0): maximum offset in a random direction in tiles
  • startWithMinions (boolean, default true): whether minions are created when the monster is
    • Note: when in any state doesn't have to be in the root, the monsters will spawn immediately anyway if set to true
    • Note: monsters will automatically stop giving EXP after the second wave (meaning if the amount spawned is higher than maxChildren * 2)



<Behavior cooldown="15|1" childIds="shtrs Stone Mage" maxChildren="5" startWithMinions="false">MakeMinions</Behavior> <Behavior cooldown="5|1" childIds="shtrs Stone Knight" maxChildren="5" startWithMinions="false">MakeMinions</Behavior>

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