

Keep close to a monster of the given type (gives facing)


  • protecteeId (string, default empty): name of monster to protect
  • acquireRange (float, default 15.0): distance within which a monster will look for a protectee
  • protectionRange (float, default 3.0): distance beyond which monster will attempt to “reprotect” the protectee
  • reprotectRange (float, default protectionRange): distance to get within protectee (should be <= protectionRange)
  • speed (float, default 0.8): speed at which the monster moves when reprotecting


Horned Drake (ordered by Drake Baby at low health)

<Behavior protecteeId="Drake Baby" speed="0.8" acquireRange="12" protectionRange="2.5" reprotectRange="1.5">Protect</Behavior>

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