

Throw an object


  • type (string, default targeted):
      • targeted: monster will throw at a player when nearby
      • auto: monster will throw at a specified angle
    • childId (string, default empty): name of object to throw
    • minRange (float, default 0.0): won’t target or throw less than this range
    • range (float, default 8.0):
      • targeted: distance from a player at which the behavior will be activated
      • auto: how far the object will be thrown
    • rangeJitter (float, default 0.0): vary range in “auto” mode (for example range of 5.0 and and rangeJitter of 2.0 means the shots will be uniformly distributed between 3.0 and 7.0)
    • cooldown (float, default 1.0): seconds between throws
    • cooldownJitter (boolean, default false): whether to vary the cooldown by a random amount (50% to 150% of cooldown)
    • defaultAngle (float, default 90):
      • targeted: no effect
      • auto: throw angle in degrees (0 or 360 = east, 90 = south, 180 = west, 270 = north)
    • centerObject (boolean, default false): whether objects should land at exactly the center of a square (x.5, y.5)


Thessal the Mermaid Goddess (2nd phase)

<Behavior type="targeted" childId="Coral Bomb Big" rangeJitter="2" range="18" cooldown="1.6">ObjectToss</Behavior>

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