How to do the Work

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All test passwords are: osc

All test passwords are: osc

All test passwords are: osc

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

All test passwords are: osc

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:


Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

There is no cumulative test for this unit: Only your logs and your detailed notes on the subject matter.

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

All test passwords are: osc

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

All test passwords are: osc

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

All test passwords are: osc

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

There is no cumulative test for this unit: Only your detailed notes on the subject matter.

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

There is no cumulative test for this unit: Only your detailed notes on the subject matter and the final product for each unit.

When writing an assessment, these steps are a resource to assist your writing: 

1. Identify Topic, Purpose, Audience

This is probably determined based off of the task students are being asked to complete.

2. Brainstorm many possible supporting details

You will want students to brainstorm all relevant details so they have something to work from after they narrow down their TS. 

3. Generate a complete Topic Sentence

The TS should be written out completely on the solid line of the outline. 

4. Select, Categorize, Sequence Appropriate SD

Students use their brainstorm to determine the most relevant SD and most appropriate order.

5. Write notes for details on outline

After selecting the best SDs, students should add them (in note-taking form) to the dotted lines on their outline. 

6. Generate complete CS

The last solid line of the outline is reserved for students to write their complete concluding sentence.