Health Semester 1

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Total pages for each unit (with teacher test): 

5-10 pages of work per unit

Unit 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity (part 1)

Terms to Know:

Answer the following questions @ health: 

1.  Define what nutrition is and why it is important?  

2.   What is a nutritionally balanced diet. 

3.  Explain the importance of not eating a lot in food. 

4. Name three good healthy eating habits.

5. If we eat poorly what happens to our bodies? 

6.  What causes a sedentary lifestyle?

7. What are the harmful effects of using diet pills. 

8. What are the positive affects of physical activity. 

9. Describe how to use nutrition information on food labels to compare products is good for you. 

10. What is the best way to eat healthy foods? Is fast food good for you or bad? Explain your reasons.  

Test can be found at: 

Unit 2: Nutrition and Physical Activity (part 2) 

Terms to know:

Answer the following questions @ health: 

1.  Plan a nutritionally adequate meals at home. What do you eat? 

2. How is it safe to use food handling procedures when preparing meals and snacks?

3. What is your personal nutrition needs and physical activity level. Is it good enough? 

4. Create a personal nutrition plan. What foods would you eat the most of and why? 

5. Do you eat enough fruit and of vegetables? If not, why?

6. Identify strategies for eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

7. How would you educate your  family on good eating habits?

8. Explain good fats vs. bad fats.

9. What is the BEST diet for you? 

10. Name 3 key factors in leading a healthy eating lifestyle. 

Test can be found at: 

Unit 3: Growth and Development 

Terms to Know:

Answer the following questions @ health: 

1. How do we stay safe in a community? 

2. What is the influence of alcohol and other drug use on personal and family?

3. Why it is risky to belong to a gang?

4.  Explain some community resources for disaster preparedness.

5. How do you avoid bad situations? 

6. How do you prevent suicide for someone you know? 

7. What is an environmental stressor? 

8. What are the consequences of violence for self?

9. How do you prevent violence with your friends? What do you say? 

10. What type of self talk do you say to yourself? Are you positive or negative? 

Test can be found at: 

Unit 4: Growth, Development, and Safety in Youth

Terms to Know:

Answer the following questions @ health: 

1. Discuss ways to reduce the risk of injuries that can occur during athletic and social activities.

2. Explain potentially harmful or abusive relationships, including dangerous dating situations.

3. List a made up emergency preparedness plans for your home.

4. How can we keep our communities safe from drugs? 

5. Describe rules and laws intended to prevent injuries.

6. What are the risks and responsibilities associated with teen driving and auto accidents. 

7.  Name a long term goal? 

8. Describe California laws regarding bullying.

9. Give 3 short term goals for you this year...

10.  Identify ways to stay safe during an earthquake.

Test can be found at: 

Unit 5: Dating and Sexual Activity


Answer the following questions @ health: 

1.  Identify local resources concerning reproductive and sexual health. 

2. What is the best way to preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[11]

3.  How do interpersonal communication affects relationships.

4. What are effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills when asking someone on a date?

5.  List effective communication skills within healthy dating relationships. 

6.  Explain a decision-making process to examine barriers to making healthy decisions about relationships.

7. Are gender roles important in society? Why? 

8. What is the economic effects of teen pregnancy on the child? 

9. What is the economic and emotional effects of teen pregnancy on the teen parent?

10. What is the economic effects of teen pregnancy on the family of the teen that is pregnant?

Test can be found at: