

This page is only for students in Antelope Valley High School Supplemental Instruction. 

The assignment timeline for supplemental instruction are the following: 

Semester 1: August-Thanksgiving Break (work is due the Wednesday before break)

Semester 2: January-Spring Break (work is due the Wednesday before break)

Important: Always sign in to this form when working so we can track your time on task: 

Student Contact Form

1 credit = 1 unit of work for the class! 

5 units = 1 semester of work for the class!

10 units = 1 year  of work for the course/class! 

Student Expectations and Responsibility for this Course

If you would like to directly contact your teacher, please call, email or text to the following: 

Jason Chronister jchronister@avhsd.org 


Max Bautista 



James Vondra



When reporting to your teacher and working on your assignments, please fill out the form below every time you report. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your instructor or your counselor. 

Antelope Valley Supplemental Instruction Student Contact Form  

Students can also schedule a meeting using the following: 


Antelope Valley Alternative Education

How to access the coursework: All course materials are available online. Student should only take courses approved by the counselor and the instructor in charge of their program.  


Instructors are available during AVSSI hours posted on twitter and in the classroom.  

Access the course information at: 





through Google Classroom 

Students can join in the following way: tnuyupr  

Access the curriculum using the following method if needed:

Once you are able to access the site, the subjects are on the upper right of the website. They are listed by general subject “English” and subcategories “English 11 Semester 1”. 

Please only choose approved courses by your instructor

Your instructor and counselor can assist you in course selections for diploma track. 

The counselor will assign A-G approved courses for college track or grade improvement.

All tests MUST be completed in front of the instructor or they will not be valid. 

Tests are located at: 



Once coursework is completed the instructor will grade the assignments and provide information to the registrar so your transcript can be updated.

District Board Policy 6179: Supplemental Instruction


Original Adopted Date: 03/21/2001 | Last Revised Date: 09/07/2016 | Last Reviewed Date: 09/07/2016

The Governing Board recognizes that high-quality supplemental instruction can motivate and support students to attain grade-level academic standards, overcome academic deficiencies, and/or acquire critical skills. The district shall offer programs of direct, systematic, and intensive supplemental instruction to meet student needs. Supplemental instruction shall be offered in accordance with law and may be used to assist the district in meeting its goals for student achievement.

Supplemental instruction may be offered during and outside the regular school day, including during the summer, before school, after school, on Saturday, and/or during intersessions. When supplemental instruction is offered during the regular school day, it shall not supplant the student's instruction in the core curriculum areas or physical education.

As appropriate, supplemental instruction may be provided through a classroom setting, individual or small group instruction, technology-based instruction, and/or an arrangement with a community or other external service provider.

When determined to be necessary by the principal or designee, a student may be required to participate in supplemental instruction outside the regular school day. In such cases, written parent/guardian consent shall be obtained for the student's participation.

Supplemental instruction shall be offered to students in grades 2-9 who have been retained or recommended for retention at their current grade level. (Education Code 37252.2, 48070.5)

The district shall offer alternative supports designed to increase the academic achievement of socioeconomically disadvantaged students attending schools identified by the California Department of Education for program improvement for two or more consecutive years.

In addition, supplemental instruction may be offered to: