Art Appreciation 02065

Semester 2 

Unit 6: Art and the Media   

Review the terms, questions and videos and do the following:

If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. 


Questions @ Art:

Answer the following questions:

A. postures / distinctions

B. ideals / materials

C. points of view / religion

D. idealism / topics

13. The _____________________ artists investigated about the medieval era as well as the folk culture.

A. Baroque

B. Realist

C. Neoclassical

D. Romantic

14. The painters of this school announce the advent of the naturalism and impressionism. 

A. Baroque

B. Realist

C. Neoclassical

D. Romantic

15. What art movement did you like the best, Romanticism or Realism? Explain your answer, give at least three reasons. 

When you complete the work, please go to:


Take a virtual tour of the art museum: 

Art in Italy Virtual Tour

1. Explain your thoughts on the layout of the museum. 

2. What are your 3 favorite works in the museum. Explain why each work speaks to you emotionally. 

3. Would you recommend this museum to one of your friends? Why or why not? 

4. Compare this museum to another one you have toured. Which one do you prefer and explain why. 

Unit 7: Neoclassicism Art 

Review the terms, questions and videos and do the following:

If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. 

Terms and Artist

Questions @ Art:

Answer the following questions:

When you complete the work, please go to:


Follow the attached virtual tour: 

Neoclassicism vs. Romanticism 

1. Explain your thoughts on the tour. 

2. Compare and contrast the works mentioned in the slides. 

3. Which one do you like better and why? 

4. Are you into neoclassicism or a romanticism? Explain why...

Unit 8: Romanticism in Art 

Review the terms, questions and videos and do the following:

If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. 

Terms and Ideas

Questions @ Art:

Answer the following questions:

A. postures / distinctions

B. ideals / materials

C. points of view / religion

D. idealism / topics

11. How did The Social Contract influence Romantic art? 

12. Which characteristics of the Romantic movement were expressed through a focus on nature? 

13. How did immigration affect the development of Romanticism in the United States? 

14. Romanticism occurred as a rebellion against what art movement? 

15. One of the characteristics of Romantic Art was what?

A. it is emotional

B. it is “politically correct” art that has a moral message

When you complete the work, please go to:


Follow the attached virtual tour: 

Neoclassicism vs. Romanticism 

1. Explain your thoughts on the tour. 

2. Compare and contrast the works mentioned in the slides. 

3. Which one do you like better and why? 

4. Are you into neoclassicism or a romanticism? Explain why...

Unit 9: Impressionism in Art

Review the terms, questions and videos and do the following:

If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. 

Terms and Ideas

Questions @ Art:

Answer the following questions:

When you complete the work, please go to:


Follow the attached virtual tour: 


1. Explain your thoughts on the tour. 

2. Compare and contrast the works mentioned in the slides. 

3. Which one do you like better and why? 

4. Are you into neoclassicism or a romanticism? Explain why...

Unit 10:  Post Impressionism in Art Appreciation 

Review the terms, questions and videos and do the following:

If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. 

Terms and Ideas

Art Appreciation Unit 10 Final Questions for Review:

When you complete the work, please go to:


Follow the attached virtual tour: 


1. Explain your thoughts on the tour. 

2. Compare and contrast the works mentioned in the slides. 

3. Which one do you like better and why? 

4. Are you into neoclassicism or a romanticism? Explain why...