Personal and Social Responsibility 


semester 2 (5 units)

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Total pages: 

5 pages of work per unit 

Unit 6: Intro to Social Responsibility 


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions:

Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. A summary of what you learned about social justice. Do you agree with the theories above?  Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more for an "A". 

Unit 7: You and Society

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions:

Reflection Assignment: What did you thought about the topic. Provide a summary of what you learned. How does class impact social order in America today? Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more with facts and support for an "A". 

Unit 8: Habitudes: Gifts and Baggage 

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Watch the videos below and take notes on the videos: 

Gift Factor PPT
Baggage Fees PPT

Important Questions:

Here are some resources if you need help:

Reflection Assignment: What did you thought about the topic. Provide a summary of what you learned.  Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more with facts and support for an "A". 

Unit 9: Motivational Theory 

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions to ask yourself. Answer as honest as you can:

#1. If not today, then when?

#2. What matters most for me?

#3. What are the things that I’ve given up on?

#4. Have I pushed my comfort zone?

#5. How can I make the most out of my life?

#6. What do I need to change about my character?

#7. What is my life calling?

#8. How do I want to be remembered by other people?

#9. If I could make three wishes, what would they be?

#10. Does it matter what others think about me?

Reflection Assignment: What did you thought about the topic. What motivates you?  Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more with facts and support for an "A". 

Unit 10: Social Cultural Communication Theory 

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions:

Semester 2 Personal and Social Final Exam

In a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) choose a topic from the units above. Explain the concept (summarize the unit). Then explain how it impacted you (process how it applies to you). Conclude how it impacts society and why it was important to you. Turn in with the final unit.