College and Career Preparation 1 04106 

The curriculum is listed below. Please check with your ACE teacher to make sure you are approved to take this subject.

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Total pages (with teacher test): 

6-10 pages of work per unit 

Unit 1: Organizing Your Life

Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. Review this 10 minute presentation on organizing your life and take notes. 

Terms to Know:


Important Questions:


Turn in an example schedule (see below). Show a typical week in your life. You can print or show any calendar (AVID notebook, etc.).  You can also e-mail your teacher with a google calendar (invite the teacher to share). 

Unit 2: Memorization 

Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. Review this 10 minute presentation on organizing your life and take notes. 

Terms to Know:


Important Questions:


Create a Google Site. Use this site as a product to show how you study using Google. 

Go to Google. 

Unit 3: Textbook Study Skills 

Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. Review this 10 minute presentation on organizing your life and take notes. 

Terms to Know:


Important Questions:


Create a study skills YouTube video. Be sure to show how you study.

Go to Google or You Tube (make sure it is school appropriate). 

Unit 4: The Value of a College Education

Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. Review this 10 minute presentation on organizing your life and take notes. 

Terms to Know:


Important Questions:


Create a formal letter and a resume for a college or a trade school. Be sure to include the following: 

Unit 5: Motivation

Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test. Review this 10 minute presentation on organizing your life and take notes. 

Terms to Know:


Important Questions:


Write a one page blog about what motivates you. 

Please provide Level 1 (the lowest level) requires one to gather information. Level 2 (the middle level) requires one to process the information. Level 3 (the highest level) requires one to apply the information. When writing your blog. 

Go to Google or You Tube (make sure it is school appropriate).