Reading Skills and Strategies 22010
Semester 1
Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:
Key terms (do all terms mentioned in the media or site) Give an example for each term for a "B" or an "A"
Notes Sheet (take detailed notes on the subject matter) Give an opinion of the videos for a "B" or an "A"
Important Questions answer in your own opinion about the question. Any cut and paste answers are no more than a "C". If they are from your head and heart, than an "A" can be achieved!
Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. A summary of what you learned. Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more for an "A".
Unit 1: Navigating the Information Age
Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.
Artificial Intellegence
Big Data
Cloud Computing
Data Mining
Domain Name
Important Questions
What are the reasons driving a “need for change” in social media?
What are the defining aspects of social media that will be needed in the future?
How are we working toward making social media better?
Which technologies are required to meet future needs?
How can different performance levels be guaranteed to meet different needs while enabling the required agility to create social media?
Who are the key partners that are also building and participating in the next generation infrastructure approach in social media? Tik Tok? Facebook? Youtube? Google?
How can the systems be designed to increasing financial gain? How can you make more money off social media through views and reading?
How can real-time data help social media? Provide an example...
How is data privacy handled? Is it working? Do you feel safe online? Why?
How are data security and data handled? (For the best introduction to this discussion, read 3 Massive Big Data Problems Everyone Should Know About – Bernard Marr, Forbes.) Do you feel better or worse after reading this?
Final Product for this unit:
reading for information
Write a short response about the terms, notes and questions above. Make sure to include specific details in your answer.
Unit 2: Information for the Masses
Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)
ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Local Area Network (LAN)
Important Questions
Find a book/tik tok/you tube video/media and answer the following questions:
Looking at the cover, what do you predict this book might be about?
What detail on the cover supports that prediction?
What do you think will happen in the plot?
What ideas do you think will be present in this text?
Can you please describe what you think the illustration on the front cover is trying to tell us?
Why do you think the author used this title?
Why do you think the author used this type of font (style of letters) on the cover?
What do you already know from reading the title?
What connections can you make after reading the blurb?
How do you think this story will end?
What is a problem that you think could occur in this story?
What questions could you ask before reading this text?
Final Product for this unit:
media review
Write a short review for the book/tik tok/you tube video/media that you watched (hopefully, what you answered above). Act like you are a journalist and you are reviewing for an article or something important. Do not use Artificial Intelligence to create this product. Make sure to include the term: "Media is good or bad" in your answer...
Unit 3: Reading In the Real World
Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.
Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Chunked Text:
Concept Definition Mapping:
Context Clue:
Coordinated instructional sequences:
Decodable Text:
During Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Important Questions
Find a tik tok, you tube video or other media and watch it then answer the questions below:
Who created the message?
Which techniques are used to attract my attention?
How might different people interpret this message?
Which lifestyle, values, and points of view are represented?
Which views are missing from the media?
Why is the message being sent?
What is the most interesting thing about this message?
Why did you choose this specific media?
What do you value when you read?
Who has the most influence over you when looking at media (sports figures, models, famous people, musicians, etc.)?
Final Product for this unit:
CREATE new media
Go to Google.
Create an account (or use your student account).
Go to "Sites" and create a website (please make the content school appropriate).
Be sure to have a theme for your site (Better school lunches, USC is better than UCLA, Buy organic, my family rocks!, Golf is life, etc.). Link the following to your website:
Youtube videos
websites that relate to your theme
pictures and images
print your website and attach as proof to your five pages of notes (or send the link to your ACE educator).
Unit 4: The First Day on the Job
Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.
letter of interest
professional dress
Important Questions
Think of a job that you want...
What is the job:
Ask yourself, am I right for the job? Why?
What are your strengths?
Do you want a job or career? What is the difference?
What jobs would you hate to do?
What are you qualified to do? Why?
What are you willing to learn to do your job (Be specific)?
What lifestyle do you want to have? Can this job get you what you want?
How much money do you need to be happy? How much a month? How much a year?
What are your career goals?
Final Product for this unit:
After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:
Write a basic resume to a company. Turn in on the front of your work. Please type if possible.
Unit 5: Signing on the Dotted Line
Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.
business letter
cover letter
Purchase Value
Closing Cost
Important Questions
Think of something you want to buy very soon and is somewhat important to you...then answer the questions below:
What do you want to buy?
Do I need It or Just Want It?
Can I Borrow It?
Can I Barter for It?
Can I Get It Used?
Can I Get By Without It?
Can I Pay Cash For It?
Is It Budgeted For?
Do I Need It Right Now?
Do I Already Own Something Similar?
Why Do I Want to Buy This?
Am I Getting The Best Deal?
How Much Did I Have to Work For This/How Many Hours of My Life Does this Equal?
How Often Will I Use It?
Is This Purchase Worth Delaying My Freedom (Is it worth going into debt for? How long?)?
Now, you don’t have to ask yourself ALL of these questions EVERY time you make a purchase. Simply having 1 or 2 of them in the back of your mind before you make a purchase may be all that you need to prevent impulse shopping. Think about these things before you...sign on the dotted line!
Final Product for this unit:
After these units, do the following:
Find an application online and fill it out. Save it and turn it in as your final for these units.