Reading Skills and Strategies 22010

Semester 1 

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Unit 1: Navigating the Information Age


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions 

Final Product for this unit: 

reading for information

Unit 2: Information for the Masses


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions 

Find a book/tik tok/you tube video/media and answer the following questions: 

Final Product for this unit: 

media review

Unit 3: Reading In the Real World


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions 

Find a tik tok, you tube video or other media and watch it then answer the questions below: 

Final Product for this unit: 

CREATE new media

Unit 4: The First Day on the Job


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions 

Think of a job that you want...

Final Product for this unit: 


After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Write a basic resume to a company. Turn in on the front of your work.  Please type if possible. 

Unit 5: Signing on the Dotted Line


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions 

Think of something you want to buy very soon and is somewhat important to you...then answer the questions below: 

Now, you don’t have to ask yourself ALL of these questions EVERY time you make a purchase. Simply having 1 or 2 of them in the back of your mind before you make a purchase may be all that you need to prevent impulse shopping. Think about these things before you...sign on the dotted line! 

Final Product for this unit: 


After these units, do the following:

Find an application online and fill it out. Save it and turn it in as your final for these units.