Writing Skills and Strategies 


The Learner will:

RI.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

L.9-10.1b Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations.

L.9-10.2c Spell correctly.

L.11-12.3a Vary syntax for effect, consulting references (e.g., Tufte’s Artful Sentences) for guidance as needed; apply an understanding

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Total pages (with teacher test): 

6-10 pages of work per unit 

the Writing Initiative is a district goal to provide students with a portfolio of writing to access throughout their educational journey. 

Students can complete credits in writing skills and strategies through the following tasks:

Write a Poem

Improvement Essay

Create a website and publish

Plea for Product Letter

Personality Test


Professional Letter

Create a YouTube Channel or Blog

Fill out a Job Application

Research Paper on Career

Unit 1: Writing the Poem

Define these terms:

After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Final Product for this unit: 

Write a Poem

Unit 2: Writing skills 

Define these terms:

After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:


Essay Workshop.ppt

Final Product for this unit: 

Improvement Essay


Unit 3: Writing for Websites, Blogs, and Multimedia 

Define these terms:

Final Product for this unit: 


Unit 4: Advanced Coding using writing strategies

Define these terms:

Final Product for this unit: 

Use code for websites

After watching the media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Go to the following website: 




Unit 5: Note Taking and Personality Testing 101

5 Popular Note Taking Strategies

Final Product for this unit: 


Embedded Assessment: Find a test online (It can be any test: Personality Test, math test, English test, psychological test, etc.). 

Unit 6: Writing a Resume 

Define these terms:

Final Product for this unit: 


After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Write a basic resume to a company. Turn in on the front of your work.  Please type if possible. 

Unit 7: How to write a professional letter

Define these terms:

Final Product for this unit: 


After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Write a basic professional letter to a company. Turn in on the front of your work. Please type if possible. 

Unit 8: Filling out an application 

Final Product for this unit: 


After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes:

Fill out a job application to a company. Turn in on the front of your work. 

(Google: online job application to find applications) 

Unit 9: Perceptions of Writing in Society Today 

Go to the following websites and take notes:

When finished with 5 pages of notes...do the following Embedded Assessment

Final Product: 

Unit 10: Researching a job for you...

After watching the following media, do the following and turn it in attached to the front of your five pages of notes: