Sociology 03090

The curriculum is listed below. Please check with your ACE teacher to make sure you are approved to take this subject.

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 1

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:






father of psychology


BF Skinner

control group

Charles Darwin



American Psychological Association


**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

Important Questions

1. What type of Psychologist was B.F. Skinner?

2. What theory was B.F Skinner most known for?

3. The theory of operant conditioning consists of what learning methods?

4. A method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior is _____________.

5. A response or behavior is strengthened by stopping, removing, or avoiding a negative outcome or aversion stimulus is ____________________

6. Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli such as food a positive reinforcer is anything that when resented after a response strengthens a response is: _____________________

7. Charles Darwin was best known in the 19th century for:

8. Charles Darwin's ideas concerning the causes of evolution were probably formulated in his mind:

9. The evolution of one species into two or more species as a result of different populations becoming re productively isolated from each other is:

10. Are all species related?

_______________________________________________Unit 2

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:







cerebral cortex



subconscious mind

conscious mind


mental telepathy




Important Questions

  1. Frustration at a particular stage has the effect of locking some of the child's libido permanently into that stage. Overindulgence at the particular stage does not have the same effect. True or False?
  2. According to Freud, what process does a child need to be engaged in so the Oedipus conflict can be resolved?
  3. Why did Freud ask patients to talk about their dreams?
  4. According to other theorists, what is a major problem with Freudian theory?
  5. According to Freud's theory, what does the id represent?
  6. According to Freud's theory, what does the ego represent?
  7. According to Freud's theory, what does the superego represent?
  8. Maria is continually worrying about whether her actions are socially acceptable. According to some Freudian psychologists, what could control her personality?
  9. Name a significant contribution from Freud.
  10. Is Freud important? Why?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 3

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:




alpha waves


psychological factors

physical factors





altered state



Important Questions

  1. While working with patients with snake phobias, Bandura found that _____ were more effective in treating phobias than persuasion.
  2. Self-efficacy is a term that refers to which of the following?
  3. What is the name of the experiment conducted by Bandura to study children's behaviour?
  4. According to Bandura, how many basic models of observational learning are there?
  5. What is the name of Bandura's theory?
  6. Sometimes a solution to a problem suddenly comes to us. This event is called
  7. A phobia is the _________
  8. The research of Albert Bandura is most closely associated with:
  9. When one individual imitates another, _______ has occurred.
  10. _______ learning occurs when the subject has learned something but does not demonstrate it right away.

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 4

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:

classical conditioning





Mary Carver Jones




acoustic memory



positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement


social learning





Important Questions

  1. Jean Piaget was a ________________
  2. According to Piaget, children in the concrete operational stage have difficulty with:
  3. A schema is a:
  4. Child begin to develop symbols to represent events or objects int he world during the _________ substage of the sensorimotor stage:
  5. The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during the:
  6. Piaget's stages are criticized by some due to:
  7. Jane has learned to feed herself with a spoon. When her mother gives her a fork she immediately begins to feed herself. Jane has _______ the fork into her schema for utensils.
  8. Piaget believed that children in the preoperational stage have difficulty taking perspective of another person. This is known as:
  9. Jane's mother has two crackers, both of equal size. She breaks one of the crackers up into four pieces. Jane says she wants the one with the most and immediately chooses the four pieces, even though the two amounts are equal. Jane's choice illustrates Piaget's concept of:
  10. Piaget assumed that children are ___________ in constructing understanding of the world.

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 5

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:





IQ Test

concrete operational




post conventional


moral development


separation anxiety




Important Questions

  1. Carl Rogers was part of what movement in psychology?
  2. What describes a core condition in Rogers' person-centered therapy? Give an example.
  3. The theorist who developed person-centered counseling and psychotherapy is which ONE of the following people?
  4. The person-centered perception is based on four key beliefs. Name one?
  5. Name one major assumption of Carl Roger's Theory
  6. A non directive method means what?
  7. Based on Carl Rogers's theory, a student has learned when he or she realizes their full potential.
  8. Producing an environment conducive for an individual to grow an become competent is __________ approach.
  9. The student is __________ by learning new problem solving skills (overwhelmed, frantic, or empowered?)
  10. What is the Humanism framework?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 6

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:

divorce rate



moral reasoning

Marcia's state


moratorium state







Important Questions

  1. How, according to James, does one "take in the importance of Peirce's [pragmatic] principle?"
  2. What are the three sorts of options that James associates with hypothesizing?
  3. When James refers to the "casuistic question of ethics," what does he mean?
  4. When James talks about a new opinion being accepted as "true," what does he say is the criterion for truth?
  5. James says some things are "instruments , not answers to enigmas, in which we can rest" To what is he referring?
  6. What, according to James, determines a "social organism?"
  7. James says "that entity is entirely fictitious...." To what is he referring?
  8. What is the positive contribution that a philosopher makes to the question/problem of ethics?
  9. Why does James believe that consciousness must be one unconnected stream?
  10. Why does James believe ethics shows why determinism is not a tenable position?
  11. Why does James believe that belief is an act of will?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 7

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:


gender differences



psychological disorder

abnormal psychology




self actualization


Erik Erikson

gender roles


mental health


Important Questions

  1. Sociology and Social Psychology are really one and the same fields since they both focus on social influences on individual and group behavior.
  2. Acting like you are a party animal without having concern for others at age forty is a lot less tolerable than it is for someone in their teens (if it is tolerable by others even at that age). This is because it is based on the concept of
  3. 4-year-old Katie snatches a toy out of another child's hands. She does not understand why this makes the other child cry and only cares about the fact that she has the toy in her possession now. According to Jean Piaget, Katie is exhibiting _____ and is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.
  4. Society brings about acceptance of basic norms through techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior. This process is termed _________
  5. The systematic study of Human society and social interaction is called
  6. A large Social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
  7. The author of Sociological Imagination
  8. The Person who coined the name Sociology
  9. A quality of mind, a capacity to understand the interplay of individual and society, biography and history and the world
  10. What does sociological imagination enables us?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 8

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:

anxiety disorder

bipolar disorder


dissociative disorder



ink blots








Important Questions

  1. In Russia, he studied physiology and discovered the basic learning process called classical conditioning.
  2. Pavlov used a _____ in his experiments instead of a bell
  3. What else is Pavlov known for besides classical conditioning?
  4. In classical conditioning what is the Unconditioned Stimulus
  5. In classical conditioning what is the unconditioned response?
  6. Once Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of a buzzer, the buzzer was a(n)
  7. The conditioned response is the usually the same as the _____________?
  8. The conditioned stimulus is?
  9. After Pavlov had conditioned a dog to salivate to a tone, he repeatedly sounded the tone without presenting the food. As a result, _________ occurred.
  10. The sudden recurrence of a conditioned response after extinction has taken place is referred to as _____________

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

_______________________________________________Unit 9

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:

eating disorder



personality disorder









aversion therapy




The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorders IV


Important Questions

  1. When in a new situation, Cecilia makes a judgment by processing new information and comparing it to her past experiences. What type of judgment did she mostly likely make?
  2. Psychological approach developed by William James which studied how human and animal actions, especially how they adapted to their environments.
  3. Psychological approach focused on understanding the unconscious mind. First developed by Austrian physician Sigmund Freud.
  4. Pioneered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, this approach seeks to understand how organisms learn and modify their actions based on events in their environment.
  5. Psychological approach developed in the 1960s by Abraham Maslov and others, which sought to describe human actions holistically. Environmental and unconscious factors are background information; emphasis placed on self-direction.
  6. Sometimes referred to as behavioral neuroscience focuses on the impact of the nervous system, hormones and genes upon behavior. Gathering data often comes from various imaging scans.
  7. Developed in the 1950s but people include Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, this approach focuses on how humans process, store, retrieve and use information AND how this information thus informs our thinking, language, creativity and problem-solving. Touches upon other issues including perception.
  8. Research conducted, and conclusions reached, by means of observation and documentation.
  9. Testable explanations for a broad set of facts or observations.
  10. What are the four steps to the Scientific Method?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.

______________________________________________Unit 10

  • Define Terms with examples for each term.
  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.
  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.
  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.
Terms to Know:


social thinking


social influence






attribution theory


sensory deprivation

sensory overload




self actualization


heiarchy of needs


Important Questions

  1. Who is Abraham Maslow?
  2. What theory was he best known for?
  3. True or False: Maslow was classified as mentally unstable
  4. True or False: Humanistic psychologists believe that every person has a strong desire to realize his or her full potential, to reach a level of self-actualization.
  5. Maslow came to conclude that self-actualization was not an automatic outcome of satisfying the other human needs
  6. What are the stages of personality development as described by Abraham Maslow's self-actualization theory?
  7. What are the key concepts of person-centered theory, its historical development to the present day, the people influential in its development
  8. According to Abraham Maslow, what is the most important need that must be fulfilled first?
  9. These needs include anything from food, water, breathing, and sleep, or other needs to survive.
  10. What is the ultimate goal that is achieved through the progression of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

**Take exam at during class session.

*Hand in ALL work to teacher with test results on the front.

Work should be 5-10 pages when completed for full credit.