Early Childhood Education (19714)

semester 1 (5 units)

Students must complete the following to receive full credit:

  • Terms Do all terms with example for terms

  • Notes 5 sentences​ PER Video​. Do all video notes

  • Questions Answer the questions completely

  • Reflection: What you thought about the topic and how this helps you understand the subject

Total pages:

5-10 pages of work per unit

Unit 1 – Growing with Children


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

  • Behavior

  • Child Development

  • Environment

  • Formula

  • Heredity

  • Nutrition

  • Commitment

  • Family

  • Parenthood

Important Questions:

  1. Why is it important to learn about children?

  2. What are 6 benefits of understanding children?

  3. List 2 benefits of learning practical techniques of caring for children.

  4. As you study child development, you will discover that …

  5. All children are …

  6. and Every child has…

  7. How can studying child development help students plan their future?

  8. How were children regarded during the colonial period in America?

  9. Give 3 examples of the differences between childhood in the past and childhood today.

  10. List 3 factors that have resulted in the control of many dangerous diseases.

  11. Several pioneering researchers and scholars have made basic contributions to our understanding and appreciation of children and childhood.

  12. List 3 responsibilities that parents must face.

  13. How does parenthood typically change a couple’s lifestyle?

  14. List 5 emotional reactions common among new parents.

  15. What are the 5 factors a couple should consider as they decide whether to have children.

  16. Describe Emotional Maturity.

  17. List 2 unsound reasons for choosing to become a parent.

  18. What money management skills are parents likely to need?

Unit 2: Effective Parenting Skills

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

  • Deprivation

  • Overparenting

  • Parenting

  • Conscience

  • Effective Guidance

  • Negative Reinforcement

  • Self-discipline

  • Latchkey children

  • Contraceptives

  • Peer Pressure

  • Sexuality

Important Questions:

  1. What is the difference between parenting and parenthood?

  2. Describe some ways parents can improve their parenting skills.

  3. How does a parent or caregiver nurture a child

  4. Explain ‘Stranger Anxiety’

  5. Nurturing parents give children freedom to learn by providing positive examples, encouragement, and enriching experiences. In what ways can parents provide enrichment and encouragement for children?

  6. What is the difference between deprivation and poverty?

  7. How does deprivation affect a child?

  8. Is deprivation reversible?

  9. Children need love just as much as they need food to eat and a place to sleep…Describe some ways parents can show love for their children…

  10. Without a loving parent’s recognition, children feel __________ and __________.

  11. Why is it important for parents to show affection for their children?

  12. What causes children to resort to inappropriate behavior just to get attention?

  13. What negative effects can overparenting have on children?

  14. Children learn from trial and __________ and mistakes are an essential part of the __________.

  15. List 5 guidelines to follow when communicating with young children.

  16. What are the benefits of using good communication skills in relationships with children?

  17. What is the difference between discipline and punishment?

  18. Give 3 outcomes of effective guidance.

  19. What is the ultimate goal of discipline?

  20. List 3 keys to effective discipline.

  21. How does positive reinforcement work?

  22. List and explain 4 guidelines for giving praise.

  23. How do children benefit from making choices?

  24. Why do children need limits on behavior?

  25. What are 4 steps for introducing a limit to a child

  26. What 2 questions should a parent ask when reacting to misbehavior?

  27. Give 2 examples of unintentional behavior.

  28. List and explain 4 techniques for dealing with misbehavior.

  29. What are 5 methods of punishment that should be avoided?

  30. A person’s values are shaped by family… list 4 other influences on values.

Unit 3: Prenatal Development and Preparing for Birth

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

1. Amniotic Fluid

2. Conception

3. Embryo

4. Fetus

5. Ovum

6. Placenta

7. Prenatal Development

8. Sperm

9. Umbilical Cord

10. Uterus

11. Zygote

12. Chromosomes

13. Dominant Gene

14. Infertility

15. Recessive Gene

Important Questions:

Explain the 3 stages of prenatal development

  1. Stage 1 =

  2. Stage 2 =

  3. Stage 3 =

  4. What is conception and where does it take place

  5. What happens to the ovum during menstruation? Period of Zygote

  6. How long does the first stage in the development of a human baby last?

  7. What happens to the fertilized egg during the first stage of development?

  8. How big does the zygote grow at the end of this stage of development?

  9. What happens to the embryo during the 2nd stage of development?

  10. How does the embryo receive oxygen and nourishment?

  11. What are the most important changes that take place in a fetus during the last 2 months of pregnancy?

  12. What is ‘quickening” and when does it usually first occur?

  13. What is ‘lightening’ and when does it usually occur?

  14. List at least 5 traits that an individual inherits from previous generations.

  15. How many chromosomes does each person have

  16. How many genes does each chromosome contain

  17. What is the difference between a dominant gene and a recessive gene?

  18. How and when is the sex of a baby determined

  19. Explain the difference between identical twins and fraternal twins.

  20. List 5 options for infertile couples who want to have children.

Unit 4: – Physical Development During the First Year

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

  • Depth perception

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Primary teeth

  • Malnutrition

  • Strained foods

  • Weaning

  • Cradle cap

  • Diaper rash

  • Grasp reflex

  • Reflex

  • Startle reflex

  • Temperament

Important Questions:

  1. . What purpose do a newborn’s reflexes serve?

  2. List 2 reflex actions that continue throughout life.

  3. What is the rooting reflex?

  4. When does the rooting reflex stop?

  5. List 7 things newborns need.

  6. What kinds of things do babies need to look at, touch, and play with?

  7. Why do babies need love?

  8. List at least 5 things parents of newborns need.

  9. How does an infant communicate?

  10. List the 3 basic patterns that physical development follows.

  11. How much weight does an average healthy baby gain each month during the first 6 months of life

  12. What 3 things influence a baby’s pattern of weight gain?

  13. Explain proportion.

  14. How do a baby’s proportions compare with an adult’s proportions?

  15. When is depth perception first noticeable in babies?

  16. When and how does hand-eye coordination develop?

  17. When does a baby’s sense of hearing develop?

  18. At what age do babies usually start getting their primary teeth?

  19. List 5 things parents can do to help their baby deal with the discomfort of teething?

  20. What is a common age for weaning?

Unit 5: Emotional and Social Development During the First Year

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

  • Emotional Development

  • Social Development

  • Attachment

  • Consistency

  • Failure to thrive

  • Personality

  • Self-concept

  • Stranger anxiety

Important Questions:

  1. How should parents respond to a baby’s needs in order to help the baby build a sense of trust?

  2. Does it matter to a baby how the adults in the baby’s family treat each other? Why or why not

  3. List 5 needs that might cause a baby to cry.

  4. What are 4 ideas for comforting a crying baby

  5. Which 2 emotions do newborns experience?

  6. What are 2 signs of social development that many one-month-old babies exhibit?

  7. What did Harlow learn from his “monkey” experiments?

  8. What happens to a baby’s response to people if left alone most of the time?

  9. What are 4 possible causes of failure to thrive?

  10. If babies are not helped to recover and grow from failure to thrive, how will their adulthood be affected?

  11. How do parents’ smiles and frowns help babies learn good behavior?

  12. What are 2 important influences on personality?

  13. List 3 things a newborn learns during the first year of life.

  14. What is the function of the Central Nervous System?

  15. How does a baby’s perception change during the first year of life?

  16. What did Piaget’s work show about adult intelligence?

  17. What do very young babies learn when they receive consistent, attentive care?

  18. How does expressing love for a baby help that baby learn?

  19. Before they learn to talk, how do babies communicate?

  20. What is the purpose of babbling?

Semester 1 Final Exam

In a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) choose a topic from the units above. Explain the concept (summarize the unit). Then explain how it impacted you (process how it applies to you). Conclude how it impacts society and why it was important to you. Turn in with the final unit.