The Health curriculum can be accessed on the attached sites:
Make sure to take the exam when you are finished with each unit. The exam can be found at:
Students will use the California content standards for health to guide them in accessing the curriculum.
California Content Standards for Health Education
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.N Distinguish between facts and myths regarding nutrition practices, products, and physical performance.
1.2.N Research and discuss the practical use of current research-based guidelines for a nutritionally balanced diet.
1.3.N Explain the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption.
1.4.N Describe dietary guidelines, food groups, nutrients, and serving sizes for healthy eating habits.
1.5.N Describe the relationship between poor eating habits and chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.
1.6.N Explain how to keep food safe through proper food purchasing, preparation, and storage practices.
1.7.N Describe nutrition practices that are important for the health of a pregnant woman and her baby.
1.8.N Describe the prevalence, causes, and long-term consequences of unhealthy eating.
1.9.N Analyze the relationship between physical activity and overall health.
1.10.N Evaluate various approaches to maintaining a healthy weight.
1.11.N Identify the causes, symptoms, and harmful effects of eating disorders.
1.12.N Explain why people with eating disorders need professional help.
1.13.N Describe the amounts and types of physical activity recommended for teenagers’ overall health and for the maintenance of a healthy body weight.
1.14.N Analyze the harmful effects of using diet pills and anabolic steroids.
1.15.N Explain the physical, academic, mental, and social benefits of physical activity and the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and chronic disease.
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.N Evaluate internal and external influences that affect food choices.
2.2.N Assess personal barriers to healthy eating and physical activity.
2.3.N Distinguish between facts and myths regarding nutrition practices, products, and physical performance.
2.4.N Analyze the impact of nutritional choices on future reproductive and prenatal health.
2.5.N Analyze the impact of various influences, including the environment, on eating habits and attitudes toward weight management.
2.6.N Analyze internal and external influences that affect physical activity.
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.N Access sources of accurate information about safe and healthy weight management.
3.2.N Evaluate the accuracy of claims about food and dietary supplements.
3.3.N Describe how to use nutrition information on food labels to compare products.
3.4.N Evaluate the accuracy of claims about the safety of fitness products.
3.5.N Describe community programs and services that help people gain access to affordable, healthy foods.
3.6.N Describe internal and external influences that affect physical activity.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.N Analyze positive strategies to communicate healthy eating and physical activity needs at home, at school, and in the community.
4.2.N Practice how to refuse less-nutritious foods in social settings.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.N Demonstrate how nutritional needs are affected by age, gender, activity level, pregnancy, and health status.
5.2.N Use a decision-making process to plan nutritionally adequate meals at home and away from home.
5.3.N Demonstrate how to use safe food handling procedures when preparing meals and snacks.
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.N Assess one’s personal nutrition needs and physical activity level.
6.2.N Develop practical solutions for removing barriers to healthy eating and physical activity.
6.3.N Create a personal nutrition and physical activity plan based on current guidelines.
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.N Select healthy foods and beverages in a variety of settings.
7.2.N Critique one’s personal diet for overall balance of key nutrients.
7.3.N Identify strategies for eating more fruits and vegetables.
7.4.N Describe how to take more personal responsibility for eating healthy foods.
7.5.N Participate in school and community activities that promote fitness and health.
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.N Advocate enhanced nutritional options in the school and community.
8.2.N Educate family and peers about choosing healthy foods.
Growth, Development, and Sexual Health
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.G Describe physical, social, and emotional changes associated with being a young adult.
1.2.G Explain how conception occurs, the stages of pregnancy, and the responsibilities of parenting.
1.3.G Discuss the characteristics of healthy relationships, dating, committed relationships, and marriage.[1]
1.4.G Identify why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[2]
1.5.G Summarize fertilization, fetal development, and childbirth.
1.6.G Explain responsible prenatal and perinatal care and parenting, including California’s Safely Surrendered Baby Law.[3]
1.7.G Describe the short- and long-term effects of HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.[4]
1.8.G Analyze STD rates among teens.
1.9.G Explain laws related to sexual behavior and the involvement of minors.
1.10.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation.[5]
1.11.G Evaluate the benefits to mother, father, and child when teenagers wait until adulthood to become parents.
1.12.G Evaluate the safety and effectiveness (including success and failure rates) of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[6]
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.G Determine personal, family, school, and community factors that can help reduce the risk of engaging in sexual activity.
2.2.G Evaluate how growth and development, relationships, and sexual behaviors are affected by internal and external influences.
2.3.G Assess the discrepancies between actual and perceived social norms related to sexual activity among teenagers.
2.4.G Assess situations that could lead to pressure for sexual activity and to the risk of HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[7]
2.5.G Evaluate how culture, media, and other people influence perceptions about body image, gender roles, sexuality, attractiveness, relationships, and sexual orientation.[8]
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.G Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services related to reproductive and sexual health.[9]
3.2.G Identify local resources concerning reproductive and sexual health, including all FDA-approved contraceptives, HIV/STD testing, and medical care.[10]
3.3.G Compare the success and failure rates of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[11]
3.4.G Evaluate laws related to sexual involvement with minors.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.G Analyze how interpersonal communication affects relationships.
4.2.G Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to prevent sexual involvement, HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
4.3.G Demonstrate effective communication skills within healthy dating relationships.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.G Use a decision-making process to evaluate the physical, emotional, and social benefits of abstinence, monogamy, and the avoidance of multiple sexual partners.[12]
5.2.G Use a decision-making process to examine barriers to making healthy decisions about relationships and sexual health.[13]
5.3.G Use a decision-making process to analyze when it is necessary to seek help with or leave an unhealthy situation.[14]
5.4.G Evaluate the risks and consequences associated with sexual activities, including HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.[15]
5.5.G Use a decision-making process to analyze the benefits of respecting individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation.[16]
5.6.G Use a decision-making process to evaluate the social, emotional, physical, and economic effects of teen pregnancy on the child, the teen parent, the family, and society.[17]
5.7.G Use a decision-making process to evaluate the use of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives for pregnancy and STD prevention.
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.G Evaluate how HIV, AIDS, other STDs, or pregnancy could impact life goals.[18]
6.2.G Identify short- and long-term goals related to abstinence and maintaining reproductive and sexual health, including the use of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives for pregnancy and STD prevention.[19]
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.G Describe personal actions that can protect sexual and reproductive health (including one’s ability to deliver a healthy baby in adulthood).
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.G Encourage and support safe, respectful, and responsible relationships.
8.2.G Advocate the respect for and the dignity of persons living with HIV or AIDS.[20]
8.3.G Support others in making positive and healthful choices about sexual behavior.[21]
Injury Prevention and Safety
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.S Discuss ways to reduce the risk of injuries that can occur during athletic and social activities.
1.2.S Recognize potentially harmful or abusive relationships, including dangerous dating situations.
1.3.S Analyze emergency preparedness plans for the home, the school, and the community.
1.4.S Examine ways that injuries are caused while traveling to and from school and in the community.
1.5.S Describe rules and laws intended to prevent injuries.
1.6.S Evaluate the risks and responsibilities associated with teen driving and auto accidents.
1.7.S Discuss the characteristics of gang members.
1.8.S Describe California laws regarding bullying, sexual violence, and sexual harassment.
1.9.S Explain the effects of violence on individuals, families, and communities.
1.10.S Describe procedures for emergency care and lifesaving, including CPR, first aid, and control of bleeding.
1.11.S Identify ways to stay safe during natural disasters and emergency situations (e.g., land-slides, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, electrical storms, winter storms, and terrorist attacks).
1.12.S Identify ways to prevent situations that might harm vision, hearing, or dental health.
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.S Analyze internal and external influences on personal, family, and community safety.
2.2.S Analyze the influence of alcohol and other drug use on personal, family, and community safety.
2.3.S Explain how one’s behavior when traveling as a passenger in a vehicle influences the behavior of others.
2.4.S Analyze why it is risky to belong to a gang.
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.S Analyze sources of information and services concerning safety and violence prevention.
3.2.S Analyze community resources for disaster preparedness.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.S Demonstrate effective negotiation skills for avoiding dangerous and risky situations.
4.2.S Use effective communication skills for preventing and reporting sexual assault and molestation.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.S Apply a decision-making process to avoid potentially dangerous situations.
5.2.S Analyze the laws regarding and detrimental effects of sexual harassment.
5.3.S Analyze the consequences of gang involvement for self, family, and the community.
5.4.S Analyze the consequences of violence for self, family, and the community.
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.S Develop a plan to prevent injuries during emergencies and natural disasters.
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.S Practice injury prevention during athletic, social, and motor vehicle-related activities.
7.2.S Demonstrate conflict resolution skills to avoid potentially violent situations.
7.3.S Demonstrate first aid and CPR procedures.
7.4.S Apply strategies to avoid and report dangerous situations, including conflicts involving weapons and gangs.[22]
7.5.S Assess characteristics of harmful or abusive relationships.
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.S Identify and support changes in the home, at school, and in the community that promote safety.
8.2.S Encourage peers to use safety equipment during physical activity.
8.3.S Encourage actions to promote safe driving experiences.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.A Describe the health benefits of abstaining from or discontinuing use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
1.2.A Explain the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use on brain chemistry, brain function, and behavior.
1.3.A Explain the connection between alcohol and tobacco use and the risk of oral cancer.
1.4.A Identify the social and legal implications of using and abusing alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
1.5.A Describe the use and abuse of prescription and nonprescription medicines and illegal substances.
1.6.A Analyze the consequences for the mother and child of using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs during pregnancy—including fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and other birth defects.
1.7.A Analyze the consequences of binge drinking and its relationship to cancer; to liver, pancreatic, and cardiovascular diseases; and to a variety of gastrointestinal problems, neurological disorders, and reproductive system disorders.
1.8.A Interpret school policies and community laws related to alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use, possession, and sale.
1.9.A Explain the impact of alcohol and other drug use on vehicle crashes, injuries, violence, and risky sexual behavior.
1.10.A Clarify myths regarding the scope of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among adolescents.
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.A Evaluate strategies for managing the impact of internal and external influences on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
2.2.A Analyze the role of individual, family, community, and cultural norms on the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
2.3.A Describe financial, political, social, and legal influences on the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.A Access information, products, and services related to the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
3.2.A Evaluate prevention, intervention, and treatment resources and programs concerning alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.A Demonstrate assertive communication skills to resist pressure to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
4.2.A Use effective refusal and negotiation skills to avoid riding in a car or engaging in other risky behaviors with someone who has been using alcohol or other drugs.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.A Use a decision-making process to evaluate how the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affects individuals, families, and society.
5.2.A Explain healthy alternatives to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.A Predict how a drug-free lifestyle will support the achievement of short- and long-term goals.
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.A Use effective coping strategies when faced with various social situations involving the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.A Participate in activities in the school and community that help other individuals make positive choices regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
8.2.A Present a persuasive solution to the problem of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among youths.
Mental, Emotional, and Social Health
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.M Describe the benefits of having positive relationships with trusted adults.
1.2.M Analyze the qualities of healthy peer and family relationships.
1.3.M Describe healthy ways to express caring, friendship, affection, and love.
1.4.M Describe qualities that contribute to a positive self-image.
1.5.M Describe how social environments affect health and well-being.
1.6.M Describe the importance of recognizing signs of disordered eating and other common mental health conditions.
1.7.M Analyze signs of depression, potential suicide, and other self-destructive behaviors.
1.8.M Explain how witnesses and bystanders can help prevent violence by reporting dangerous situations.
1.9.M Classify personal stressors at home, in school, and with peers.
1.10.M Identify warning signs for suicide.
1.11.M Identify loss and grief.
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.M Analyze the internal and external issues related to seeking mental health assistance.
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.M Access school and community resources to help with mental, emotional, and social health concerns.
3.2.M Evaluate the benefits of professional services for people with mental, emotional, or social health conditions.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.M Seek help from trusted adults for oneself or a friend with an emotional or social health problem.
4.2.M Discuss healthy ways to respond when you or someone you know is grieving.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.M Monitor personal stressors and assess techniques for managing them.
5.2.M Compare various coping mechanisms for managing stress.
5.3.M Analyze situations when it is important to seek help with stress, loss, an unrealistic body image, and depression.
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.M Evaluate how preventing and managing stress and getting help for mental and social problems can help a person achieve short- and long-term goals.
6.2.M Set a goal to reduce life stressors in a health-enhancing way.
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.M Assess personal patterns of response to stress and use of resources.
7.2.M Practice effective coping mechanisms and strategies for managing stress.
7.3.M Discuss suicide-prevention strategies.
7.4.M Practice respect for individual differences and diverse backgrounds.
7.5.M Participate in clubs, organizations, and activities in the school and in the community that offer opportunities for student and family involvement.
7.6.M Practice setting personal boundaries in a variety of situations.
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.M Support the needs and rights of others regarding mental and social health.
8.2.M Promote a positive and respectful environment at school and in the community.
8.3.M Object appropriately to teasing of peers and community members that is based on perceived personal characteristics and sexual orientation.
Personal and Community Health
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.P Discuss the value of actively managing personal health behaviors (e.g., getting adequate sleep, practicing ergonomics, and performing self-examinations).
1.2.P Evaluate the importance of regular medical and dental checkups, vaccinations, and examinations.
1.3.P Identify symptoms that should prompt individuals to seek health care.
1.4.P Identify types of pathogens that cause disease.
1.5.P Investigate the causes and symptoms of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
1.6.P Describe the dangers of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, lead, asbestos, pesticides, and unclean air and water; and discuss strategies for avoiding exposure.
1.7.P Identify symptoms that indicate a need for an ear, eye, or dental examination.
1.8.P Examine common types and symptoms of cancer.
1.9.P Identify the importance of medical screenings (including breast, cervical, testicular, and prostate examinations, and other testing) necessary to maintain reproductive health.
1.10.P Explain how public health policies and government regulations influence health promotion and disease prevention.
1.11.P Examine ways to prevent and manage asthma.
1.12.P Identify global environmental issues.
1.13.P Describe the impact of air and water pollution on health.
1.14.P Identify ways to reduce pollution and harmful health effects (e.g., by using alternative methods of transportation).
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences
2.1.P Discuss influences that affect positive health practices.
2.2.P Evaluate influences on the selection of personal health care products and services.
2.3.P Analyze how environmental conditions affect personal and community health.
2.4.P Discuss ways to stay informed about environmental issues.
2.5.P Analyze the social influences that encourage or discourage sun-safety practices.
2.6.P Evaluate the benefits of informed health choices.
2.7.P Evaluate the need for rest, sleep, and exercise.
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information
3.1.P Access valid information about personal health products and services available in the community.
3.2.P Access valid information about common diseases.
3.3.P Evaluate current research about the health consequences of poor environmental conditions.
3.4.P Identify government and community agencies that promote health and protect the environment.
3.5.P Assess ways to be a responsible consumer of health products and services.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication
4.1.P Use effective communication skills to ask for assistance from parents, guardians, and medical or dental health care professionals to enhance health.
Standard 5: Decision Making
5.1.P Apply a decision-making process to a personal health issue or problem.
5.2.P Explain how decisions regarding health behaviors have consequences for oneself and others.
5.3.P Apply a decision-making process to a community or environmental health issue.
5.4.P Analyze how using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs influences health and other behaviors.
5.5.P Analyze the possible consequences of risky hygienic and health behaviors and fads (e.g., tattooing, body piercing, sun exposure, and sound volume).
Standard 6: Goal Setting
6.1.P Develop a plan of preventive health management.
6.2.P Develop a plan of preventive dental health management.
Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
7.1.P Analyze environmental barriers to adopting positive personal health practices and strategies for overcoming the barriers.
7.2.P Execute a plan for maintaining good personal hygiene (including oral hygiene) and getting adequate rest and sleep.
7.3.P Demonstrate the proper steps for protecting oneself against the harmful effects of the sun.
7.4.P Describe the steps involved in breast or testicular self-exams.
Standard 8: Health Promotion
8.1.P Support personal or consumer health issues that promote community wellness.
8.2.P Encourage societal and environmental conditions that benefit health.
[1]See Education Code (EC) sections 51933(b)(7), (b)(11), and 51934(b)(6).
[2]EC sections 51933(b)(8), 51934(b)(3).
[3]EC Section 51933(b)(12).
[4]EC Section 51934(b)(1), (b)(4).
[5]EC Section 51930(b)(2).
[6]EC sections 51933(b)(10), 51934(b)(3).
[7]EC sections 51933(b)(11), 51934(b)(6).
[8]EC Section 51930(b)(2).
[9]EC sections 51931(f), 51933(b)(11), 51934(b).
[10]EC sections 51933(b)(10), 51934(b)(3), (b)(5).
[11]EC sections 51933(b)(10), 51934(b)(3).
[12]EC Section 51934(b)(3), (b)(6).
[13]EC Section 51933(b)(11).
[14]EC sections 51933(b)(11), 51934(b)(6).
[15]EC sections 51933(b)(9), (b)(10), 51934(b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3).
[16]EC Section 51930(b)(2).
[17]EC sections 51933(b)(11), 51934 (b)(6).
[18]EC Section 51933(b)(11).
[19]EC sections 51933(b)(8), (b)(10), 51934(b)(3).
[20]EC Section 51934(b)(7).
[21]EC sections 51933(b)(11), 51934(b)(6).
[22] See EC Section 49330 and the Glossary for the legal definition of a weapon.