Financial Literacy


Students must complete the following to receive full credit:

Define Terms with examples for each term.

  • Write a Summary of each video (minimum 3-5 sentences per video). Label clearly for teacher to see work.

  • Answer Important Questions after watching the videos and taking notes.

  • Take Exam at: be sure to print (control + "P") results of submitted exam and staple to the front of each credit.




Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test.

Terms to Know:

  • annual wages

  • net income

  • gross income

  • simple interest

  • compound interest

  • hourly rate

  • wages

  • annual wages

  • estimate

  • overtime

  • time and a half

  • double time

  • total wages


Important Questions:

  1. What is the circular flow of income and expenditures?

  2. What is a financial report?

  3. What is the best way to save?

  4. What is a way to earn interest?

  5. What is the 50/20/30 rule?

  6. How much debt is too much debt?

  7. How soon do I need to save for retirement?

  8. What is an emergency fund?

  9. How do you divide up finances in a family?

  10. How much does a person need to earn to live in the Antelope Valley? Los Angeles? Las Vegas? Is there a difference? Why?

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:

Test are under Personal Finance:


Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test.

Terms to Know:

  • Alternative Minimum Tax

  • Annualized rate of return

  • Appreciation

  • Asset allocation

  • Average maturity

  • Bear market

  • Bond

  • Bull market

  • Capital

  • Capital gain

  • Capital loss

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:


Important Questions:

  1. Is it better to invest in a tax-free or a taxable mutual fund?

  2. Should I invest in mutual funds or individual securities?

  3. Should I invest my extra cash or use it to pay off debt?

  4. What is a mutual fund prospectus and how do I read it?

  5. What is asset allocation and how does it work?

  6. What is consumer debt?

  7. What is the best way to save according to the videos?

  8. Should you have more cash on hand or in savings?

  9. When is the best time to invest?

  10. Do you plan on investing? What type of investments are you planning on making?

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:

Test are under Personal Finance:


Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test.

Terms to Know:

  • Cash equivalent

  • Common stock

  • Corporate bond

  • Equities

  • Default

  • Distribution schedule

  • Diversification

  • Dividend

  • Dividend yield

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow)


Important Questions:

  1. Should I pay off a dept in collections and will it help my credit score?

  2. Will paying off a closed account help my credit score enough to qualify for an apartment?

  3. Do I have to close my accounts to consolidate a debt?

  4. How do I get a perfect credit score?

  5. What is a credit score and how is it used?

  6. What are the five things that impact your credit score?

  7. How do I request a copy of my credit report?

  8. How long does negative information remain on a credit report?

  9. What is the ideal number of credit cards to carry?

  10. I’m deep in debt and have a terrible credit score. What should I do? PLEASE ADVISE...

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:

Test are under Personal Finance:


Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test.

Terms to Know:

  • Equity fund

  • Expense ratio

  • Federal Funds Rate (Fed Funds Rate)

  • Fund

  • Index

  • Inflation

  • Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

  • Interest rate

  • Junk bond

  • Liquidity


Important Questions:

  1. What Is A Balance Sheet? Why Is It Prepared?

  2. List The Type Of Items Which Appear Under The Liability Side Of A Balance Sheet?

  3. What Types Of Items Appear Under The Assets Side?

  4. What is an example of an asset?

  5. What is an example of a liability?

  6. What is an example of equity?

  7. What is the difference between an account payable and an account recievable?

  8. What is the distinction between debtor and creditor?

  9. What is a capital expenditure versus a revenue expenditure?

  10. What does it mean when someone says debt to asset ratio? Is it more important to carry debt or assets? Why?

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:

Test are under Personal Finance:


Review the videos and media and take notes on terms to know. If the terms are not on the media, please Google them in order to get the materials needed to take the test.

Terms to Know:

  • Management fee

  • Market price

  • Money market mutual fund

  • Mutual fund

  • Portfolio

  • Prospectus

  • Recession

  • Share

  • Standard Deviation

  • Total return

  • Yield


Important Questions:

  1. What is the difference between a "want" and a "need"?

  2. How does lifespan affect a financial decision?

  3. Do you ever ask: Does this purchase delay or help my financial goals and my future? Why would this be an important question to ask?

  4. Do you live within a budget? Please explain

  5. Do you consider who or what influences your financial decisions? Do you do it for yourself, your family, a friend? Why?

  6. Do you know how much you save or spend?

  7. What is your current net worth (how much money do you think you have)?

  8. What are the 10 most important things you want to accomplish while on this Earth:

  9. If you had 5 years to live, what would you do financially?

  10. Why is it important to be financially literate?

When completed with terms above and notes below take test and staple to front of work:

Test are under Personal Finance: