Personal and Social Responsibility 1 


semester 1 (5 units)

Students are to complete the following for EACH credit:

Total pages: 

5 pages of work per unit

Unit 1: Intro to Personal and Social Responsibility 


Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

List in Order of Importance: 

     1. Kind Acts -            Having kind things done, i.e., Help cleaning room, work, etc.


     2. Kind Words -        Having nice things said, Compliments, affirmation etc.


     3. Quality Time -      Time spent with someone, Long talks, hanging out, etc.


     4. Gifts -                   Receiving gifts, small or large


     5. Touch -                Pat on the back, hugs, kisses, etc.


Now rank in order your preference. List your most important love language as number 1 and least important as number 5.












Important Questions (Answer these with your own personal knowledge):

Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. A summary of what you think about social influences and thinking in societyProvide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more for an "A". 

Unit 2: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

2. Vision

3. Work-Goal Setting 

4. Win-Win 

5. Active Listening & Peer Counseling 

6. Synergize 

7. Collaboration

8. Reflection

9. Celebration

10. Habits  

Important Questions:

Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. What is the most important habit? Which one is the least important? If you were going to put one in your life, which one and why?   Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more for an "A". 

Unit 3: Habitudes 

Terms to Know

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.   

Important Questions:

Habitude Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is “The Iceberg” 

●The image to the left falls under Purpose 

●The Iceberg image breaks down to the 10% above water-line which represents your skills. The 90% below the water-line represents your character, or the invisible parts of our lives. It’s what is below the surface that sinks the ship. 90% of our influence lies in the quality beneath the surface, yet we spend a large portion of our time working on the 10% of our skills that are found above the surface. I am reminded that we often focus on image, what people see, rather than substance. 

 Manyseekingopportunitieswilloftenfindbeyondtheirskillsthatwhatisessentialisourabilitytoworkwithothers,as well as our integrity, our values, and our overall substance.  The story of the Titanic, the unsinkableship. The Titanic received five iceberg warnings. The last warning received the response, “Shut up, I’m busy.”

 We often receive similar warnings, yet we state we are too busy to heed those warnings.   “The Iceberg teaches me I must lead myself before I try to lead anybody else.”

If you lead yourself according to principles, others will want to follow without a title or a badge.   

●“The Whistler Iceberg” → These are icebergs that have almost all of their surface matter above water. They make a lot of noise. These are like a lot of people who make noise but have little substance.  

●“The Growler”➔ Iceberg that has equal amounts above and below the water. These are known for their twisting and turning. They are not stable and set.   

Three Quotations that Speak to Integrity:  

●“Your​ ​ability​ ​may​ ​carry​ ​you​ ​further​ ​than​ ​your​ ​character​ ​can​ ​sustain​ ​you.” 

●“Leaders​ ​get​ ​into​ ​trouble​ ​when​ ​their​ ​integrity​ ​doesn’t​ ​keep​ ​pace​ ​with​ ​their​ ​giftedness.” 

●“Our​ ​commitment​ ​to​ ​integrity​ ​can​ ​easily​ ​be​ ​eroded​ ​by​ ​your​ ​love​ ​of​ ​progress.”  Weareinclinedasindividualstomoveforward,butattimes,wemaycompromiseourcharacterandintegrityinmaking                    progress. 

“Your gift may put you on the stage, but it’s your integrity that is going to keep you there.”   

Write down the Four Ingredients of Character: 

●Self-Discipline →​ ​I​ ​have​ ​the​ ​ability​ ​to​ ​accomplish​ ​even​ ​when​ ​I​ ​don’t​ ​feel​ ​like​ ​doing​ ​anything.  

●Emotional​ ​Security​​ ​→​ ​I​ ​don’t​ ​always​ ​compare​ ​myself​ ​to​ ​others.  

●My​ ​Values​ ​&​ ​Ethics​​ ​→​ ​I​ ​live​ ​by​ ​principles​ ​that​ ​govern​ ​how​ ​I​ ​act. 

●Sense​ ​of​ ​Identity​​ ​→​ ​Know​ ​your​ ​strengths​ ​and​ ​weaknesses. 

Give an example for each ingredient of character: 

●Self-Discipline →​ ___________________________________

●Emotional​ ​Security​​ ​→​ ​___________________________________ 

●My​ ​Values​ ​&​ ​Ethics​​ ​→​ ___________________________________

●Sense​ ​of​ ​Identity​​ ​→​ ​___________________________________

Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. A summary of what you think about discipline and values. Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph or more for an "A". 

Unit 4: Communication and Listening

Terms to Know:

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding. 

Important Questions:

Reflection Assignment: These are projects @ what you thought about the topic. A summary of what you think about active listening. How do you communicate? Are you a good listener? What is the best way to communicate? 

 Provide a summary of the unit in a paragraph for an "A". 

Unit 5: Cultural Communication 

Terms to Know 

Find the term online, in the dictionary or in class text and define them. Give examples if necessary for understanding.

Important Questions:

Unit Final Exam

In a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) choose a topic from the units above. Explain the concept (summarize the unit). Then explain how it impacted you (process how it applies to you). Conclude how it impacts society and why it was important to you. Turn in with the final unit. 

Important Questions:

2. What's the opposite of being proactive?

3. People who are proactive are like what?

4. Which is an example of an opposite response to proactivity?

5. What victory is pro activity in?

6. Let's say you work as a cashier in the store. The customer you were trying to run the groceries for said that the ones you ran in were not his. What do you say?

7. Which of these CAN'T you control?

8. What is the phrase for the overall proactivity part of the book?

9. Being proactive can help you do what?

10. Which of these is NOT one of the things a human has to help with 'just push pause' problems.

11.  What does it mean to "OWN IT"?

12. What does it mean to "AMEND IT"?

13. What does it mean to "REINVENT IT"?

14. What is the best habit you learned? 

15. What is one thing you are going to implement after doing this unit?