Distance Learning

Online High school

All students that are interested in online curriculum must first contact their teacher and get approval for curriculum before attempting the work. Teachers can be reached at their school e-mail address: first initial of teachers name+last name @avhsd.org

Students can log in (see below how to access gmail) and search for teacher names. Assignments have been uploaded to Google Classroom to mirror this site.

This website is a resource for teachers and students in order to access essential curriculum. Your teacher may modify requirement through Google Classroom, so please contact them during their posted office hours using Google Meets. Please contact your specific teacher for details.

How to access your google account:

Student Google Apps

Did you know that all AVHS students have a Google Apps Account? This includes online storage (Google Drive) and a cool school e-mail address (@students.avhsd.org). The standard Internet Use Agreement applies.

To access your Google Apps account, go to http://gapps.avhsd.org

Your username is your six-digit student ID number (i.e. student number=123456; AVUHSD Google username=123456)

Your e-mail address= 123456@students.avhsd.org

Your default password is first name initial + last name initial + student ID number (i.e. Jack Rabbit = jr123456)

Trouble accessing your account? Ask a teacher to send a helpdesk request to our friendly school computer technicians.

In order to access Google sites, please use this link:

  • https://sites.google.com

Google Drive and Documents Access

Students can access google documents through the Google drive.

Once a student logs on to the gmail system, then the following tutorials can show how to access your Google Drive, Documents, etc.

In order to share a document with your teacher, a student needs to follow the tutorial below and share with your teachers in order to assess the assignments.

What should the Google Document look like?

  1. Title the document in the following way: Subject and Credit.

(For example, World History Unit 5). This is located in the top left corner of the document.

2. Title the document in a similar manner as the following:

First Name, Last Name


Unit and #

3. Define terms for the unit

4. Show notes about subject matter (either website notes or summary of the works)

5. Answer questions completely

6. Complete summative assessment (essay) OR screen shot test and attach to bottom of the document. NOTE: Please type FULL name (and ID) in the name field of the test.

The password to take the test is: osc

7. When the single document for one credit is completed, please "share" with your teacher.

How to Take Notes.pdf